A Visit to Annecy in Honor of St. Francis de Sales & St. Jeanne de Chantal. In 2010 we visited Annecy, where the mortal remains of St. Francis de Sales and St. Jeanne de Chantal are found, at the …More
A Visit to Annecy in Honor of St. Francis de Sales & St. Jeanne de Chantal.
In 2010 we visited Annecy, where the mortal remains of St. Francis de Sales and St. Jeanne de Chantal are found, at the Basilica of the Visitation. We also visited the very interesting Museum nearby, which has on display many of their relics.
onda 😘 ✍️ Time "flies".... 🙄 ☕ 😎 ✍️ Now it's 9 years ago...
24.1.2021 CAN YOU BELIEVE IT, @onda over here, at Mass today, the priest instead of speaking about this GREAT Catholic Saint in his homily--he talked about some protestant composer!!!???..Where is St. Francis when we need him!
✍️ St. Francis de Sales is the reason I joined 😁 🙄 8 years ago... ☕ 😎
One more comment from Irapuato
✍️ Saint Jeanne de Chantal Memorial 12 August [correction on my video credits: producers.. 😉 ]
18 August (United States)
13 December (monastery of the Visitation in Moulins, France)
12 December (from 1970 to 2001)
21 August (the date of the founding of her Order; from 1769 to 1969)

Born to the nobility, the daughter of the president of the Parliment of Burgundy who raised her alone …More
✍️ Saint Jeanne de Chantal Memorial 12 August [correction on my video credits: producers.. 😉 ]
18 August (United States)
13 December (monastery of the Visitation in Moulins, France)
12 December (from 1970 to 2001)
21 August (the date of the founding of her Order; from 1769 to 1969)


Born to the nobility, the daughter of the president of the Parliment of Burgundy who raised her alone after the death of her mother when Jeanne was 18 months old. Married in 1592 at age twenty to Baron de Chantal. Mother of four. Widowed at 28 when the Baron was killed in a hunting accident and died in her arms. Taking a personal vow of chastity, she was forced to live with her father-in-law, which was a period of misery for her. She spent her free time in prayer, and received a vision of the man who would become her spiritual director. In Lent, 1604, she met Saint Francis de Sales, and recognized him as the man in her vision. She became a spiritual student and close friend of Saint Francis, and the two carried on a lengthy correspondence for years. On Trinity Sunday, 6 June 1610 she founded the Order of the Visitation of Our Lady at Annecy, France. The Order was designed for widows and lay women who did not wish the full life of the orders, and Jeanne oversaw the founding of 69 convents. Jeanne spent the rest of her days overseeing the Order, and acting as spiritual advisor to any who desired her wisdom. Visitationist nuns today live a contemplative life, work for women with poor health and widows, and sometimes run schools.


28 January 1572 at Dijon, Burgundy, France


13 December 1641 at the Visitationist convent at Moulins, France of natural causes
relics at Annecy, Savoy (in modern France


21 November 1751 by Pope Benedict XIV


16 July 1767 by Pope Clement XIII


against in-law problems
against the death of parents
forgotten people
parents separated from children
☕ Cómo me encantaba escuchar a Herb Alpert... 😘
👏 What I loved about Annecy is that the spirit of St. Francis lives on: You can actually borrow for FREE Catholic literature, videos, etc., in a library/bookstore, they have, close to the center of town. I wish more "Catholic" cities would imitate this example... 😇
One more comment from Irapuato
👍 St. Francis de Sales--another saint I love and admire so much!