Where God Weeps - Kenya. In recent years, one of the primary missions for the Church in Africa has been the fight against the 20th century plague: AIDS. The Catholic Church is Africa's primary caregiver …More
Where God Weeps - Kenya.
In recent years, one of the primary missions for the Church in Africa has been the fight against the 20th century plague: AIDS. The Catholic Church is Africa's primary caregiver for AIDS victims - those who are HIV positive as well as African men, women and children who are suffering the disease - especially widows and orphans. To them the Church is not just a service provider, it is like a Mother.
Franciscan Sisters in Kenya are an example to many. Despite their financial restrictions and lack of government support, they have become leaders in organizing home-based medical care, hospices and AIDS awareness educational programs, notably the successful Education for Life program. The need continues to be enormous: each day in Kenya, AIDS kills 300 people. One of the major problems created by AIDS is that it affects children, many of whom are orphaned and thereby forced to become heads of their households.
Integral care, prevention and accompaniment has been the …More
pray for those who call for the sin of smoking by its rapid conversion.
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