Gloria TV News on the Feast of St. Catherine of Genoa. Contraception in French Schools France Starting April 25th, every girl enrolled in a high school or apprenticeship school in Paris and its region …More
Gloria TV News on the Feast of St. Catherine of Genoa.
Contraception in French Schools
Starting April 25th, every girl enrolled in a high school or apprenticeship school in Paris and its region will be issued with a “contraception pass”. It includes four vouchers for a medical appointment, a blood sample, and three to six months’ worth of hormonal contraceptives, LifeSiteNews.com reports. Last June the Ile-de-France regional council voted in favor of the measure by a large majority. It has one clear objective: to ensure underage girls have access to free and anonymous contraceptive advice and prescription without parental knowledge. The plan is targeting girls aged 14 to 18. Boys of the same age will be receiving similar material including condoms. Some 150,000 youngsters should be getting the “pass” this school year, at a potential cost of 59 to 204 euros ($85 to $290 U.S.) per person, paid for by the taxpayer.
A Defender of the Catholic Faith
At yesterday’s public audience …More
Emanoel aslan
“Do on Earth the will of our Heavenly Father. For I saw eyes that asked, even though hey never said a thing."

Father Airton Freire, founder of the Earth Foundation, in the community known as Trash Street in Arcoverde, state of Pernambuco, Brazil.
The social work carried out by Father Airton started two years after his ordination, when …

“Do on Earth the will of our Heavenly Father. For I saw eyes that asked, even though hey never said a thing."

Father Airton Freire, founder of the Earth Foundation, in the community known as Trash Street in Arcoverde, state of Pernambuco, Brazil.

The social work carried out by Father Airton started two years after his ordination, when he met the community of Trash Street and was profoundly touched by what was happening in that community at the time, where extreme poverty reigned everywhere. People were left to fend for themselves, feeding on leftover food found in trashcans or from alms given by passerbys; "living" in cardboard, tin or mud shanties; no sanitation of any kind, no electric lights, no pavement on the streets, no school, no medical assistance... People kept apart from the values and progress of Christian society. He felt the need to go live in that community, with those who lived without hope of a better future.

On a certain day, during Mass, at the time of Holy Communion, he heard the crying of children that hungrily asked "I want a cookie", and that moment never left his heart. His unrest and his wish to do something for these people made Father Airton join forces with the mothers who begged for alms to feed their children. He then started to identify the works needed to be done by people of Trash Street, dividing the functions according the possibilities of each person. "Find your talents and do the will of God". Simple as that, serving using the things one knows how to do.

In this simplicity Father Airton lives still, urging every person to put himself or herself to service, like he says himself: "There is no mistery, it is plain and simple, just like Jesus showed us in the house ofEmaus, in the simplicity of parting bread, everything is extraordinarily simple." A profound lover of God's Mercy, Father Airton invites us to live this sharing of talents to help one another. Give of yourself is to love truly. Today the foundation gives assistance to over 680 children, giving everything from cultural upbringing to medical assistance to the children and their families. Technical centers were created, where children and yougsters learn computing, painting, dance, and sports.

Just watching the serenity and meekness of Father Airton makes us ponder on our own values. Simply dressed and using simple slippers on his feet, he declares he has everything he needs and lacks nothing. What about us, do we share the gifts we received from God with others, or do we create obstacles to anything we can do to join the construction of God's Work? Saint Augustine used to say that Love has hands to help others, has feet to rush towards the poor and needy, Love has eyes to see misery and deprivation, has ears to listen to he moans and laments of Man. So is love. May we live that in a concrete way, putting ourselves at the disposal to serve, seeing the great and merciful love of God one in the other.
It is no wonder given the actions of the French contraception program and the morality or lack there-of being promoted by France and the world at large that damnation is a common occurrence. I remember reading many years ago one of Our Lady's messages to the visionaries in Medjugorje where Our Lady said that "souls are falling into hell like snowflakes"-not surprising given the daily headlines from …More
It is no wonder given the actions of the French contraception program and the morality or lack there-of being promoted by France and the world at large that damnation is a common occurrence. I remember reading many years ago one of Our Lady's messages to the visionaries in Medjugorje where Our Lady said that "souls are falling into hell like snowflakes"-not surprising given the daily headlines from this fallen world.
Why don't Catholic girls and boys take their 'contraception pass'............and then burn them in one huge bonfire!
What a poke in the eye for the sordid secular authorities that would be......More
Why don't Catholic girls and boys take their 'contraception pass'............and then burn them in one huge bonfire!

What a poke in the eye for the sordid secular authorities that would be......
Don Henri
Ooh, I'm so ashamed for my country! The pious laities, and Catholic associations tried to do what they could (petititions, letters, demonstrations) to stop this "contraception pass" nonsense, but the Bishops didn't said anything (as far as I know), as they are too much busy bullying the traditionnalists.
holyrope 3
Thanks Lucia ☕