Gloria TV News on the Feast of St. Theophilus of Corte. Powerful Intercessor in the Battle of Souls Vatican Father Gabriele Amorth the chief exorcist of Rome sees a rising number of young people coming …More
Gloria TV News on the Feast of St. Theophilus of Corte.
Powerful Intercessor in the Battle of Souls
Father Gabriele Amorth the chief exorcist of Rome sees a rising number of young people coming under the influence of evil. But in recent years Amorth has found that Blessed John Paul II is a powerful intercessor in the battle for souls. Father Amorth is particularly worried by the number of young people being affected by Satan through sects, séances and drugs. He says: ““I have asked the demon more than once, ‘Why are you so scared of John Paul II and I have had two different responses, both interesting. One, ‘because he disrupted my plans.’ And, I think that he is referring to the fall of communism in Russia and Eastern Europe.” “Another response that he gave me, ‘because he pulled so many young people from my hands.’ Father Amorth has carried out most of his 70,000 exorcisms over the past 26 years.
Bishops Have Lost Credibility
Responding to the Vatican's Instruction on …More
holyrope 3
More and more Muslims all over the world are crying out for sharia law. They want to make whatever country they are living in just like the countries they left. See how they take advantage of freedom which they never enjoyed in their own countries, yet they still come here and want to change our laws. In other words, they want to Take Over the World!
As the Muslim population grows....and the Western population shrinks....the pressure will mount to legalise Sharia. It's not rocket science. 👌 Catholics must not think secularism is going to protect them from Sharia in the future. Secularism will eventually cave in. Catholics should resolve to form CATHOLIC STATES for Catholics and supporters.
holyrope 3
no family - no society
Fr. Gabrielle Amorth conducted 70,000 exorcisms over 26 yrs? Where are all the priests to learn this? Fr. Amorth isn't getting any younger, Bless him! We need more exorcists!
good day, dear Doina!
no family - no society

Fr. Gabrielle Amorth conducted 70,000 exorcisms over 26 yrs? Where are all the priests to learn this? Fr. Amorth isn't getting any younger, Bless him! We need more exorcists!

good day, dear Doina!
Holy Cannoli
We are in agreement here.
Good. 👍
Now, if we were to specultate, what could be the reason that this priest chose to make this announcment public?
If nothing else, I believe it shows poor judgement on his part. Would he privately offer a mass for Bin Laden and all the other mass murderers throughout history or was making the announcement public part of his "game"?
Regardless, if this were to happen …More
We are in agreement here.

Good. 👍

Now, if we were to specultate, what could be the reason that this priest chose to make this announcment public?

If nothing else, I believe it shows poor judgement on his part. Would he privately offer a mass for Bin Laden and all the other mass murderers throughout history or was making the announcement public part of his "game"?

Regardless, if this were to happen in my parish (it wouldn't but for the sake of discussion say it did) I would definietely have a PRIVATE discussion with whomever it was that was responsible. If I couldn't respectfully convince him that this was a uniquely boneheaded decesion on his part, I'd move on to another parish.

Recently an announcement did appear in my parish bulletin which was a mass intention for a conservative and outspoken critic of liberals everywhere, TV host Glenn Beck, a Mormon. Interestingly, no mass intentions were ever made for Nancy Pelosi, Dick Durbin, John Kerry and all the other "Catholic" pro-abortion pols in the States. The announcment for Beck appeared only once so I let it go. If it had appeared again, I would have given somebody hell.
Ah.... here we get the clarification at last: the problem is no that the priest offered Mass for Bin Laden, rather, the problem is that he made it public knowledge. Therefore, the issue is not about evangelical charity, rather it is about good public relations. Now THIS I can understand; THIS is where Fr Badway slipped-up. He ought to have just offered the Mass and kept it private for the sake of …More
Ah.... here we get the clarification at last: the problem is no that the priest offered Mass for Bin Laden, rather, the problem is that he made it public knowledge. Therefore, the issue is not about evangelical charity, rather it is about good public relations. Now THIS I can understand; THIS is where Fr Badway slipped-up. He ought to have just offered the Mass and kept it private for the sake of people's peace of mind lest "offence and scandal be caused" (yet another Pauline pearl of wisdom!).

We are in agreement here.

😇 🤗
Holy Cannoli
The disciples were indignant that Christ forgave the sins of that horrid woman called the prostitue; the tax collectors and murderers, according to the disciples did not 'deserve' to be addressed by Jesus. Yet, He did it anyway since no one is denied the love of God.
Christ admonished the prostitute to “sin no more.” Although the Lord repeatedly …More
The disciples were indignant that Christ forgave the sins of that horrid woman called the prostitue; the tax collectors and murderers, according to the disciples did not 'deserve' to be addressed by Jesus. Yet, He did it anyway since no one is denied the love of God.

Christ admonished the prostitute to “sin no more.” Although the Lord repeatedly addressed sinners, we have no knowledge of whether or not they were forgiven their sins since forgiveness demands reformation of life. Did they reform? We don't know.

Hypothetically, did Christ pray directly for the pharisees or the Sanhedrin?

The following quotes come from the following book (one of my favorites) www.liberalismisasin.com

Satan must chuckle over the mushy charity held out as bait to abet his own cause. To attempt to smother evil under an abundance of good is the simple minded's favorite maxim. The invectives of Our Lord against the Pharisees confound him; they seem to be an excess of language on the part of our Divine Savior.

St. John the Baptist calls the Pharisees "race of vipers," Jesus Christ, our Divine Savior, hurls at them the epithets "hypocrites, whitened sepulchers, a perverse and adulterous generation" without thinking for this reason that He sullies the sanctity of His benevolent speech. St. Paul criticizes the schismatic Cretins (110) as "always liars, evil beasts, slothful bellies." The same apostle calls Elymas the magician "seducer, full of guile and deceit, child of the Devil, enemy of all justice."

What shall we say of St. John Chrysostom? His famous invective against Eutropius is not comparable, in its personal (111) and aggressive character, to the cruel invectives of Cicero against Catiline and against Verres! The gentle St. Bernard did not honey his words when he attacked the enemies of the faith. Addressing Arnold of Brescia, the great Liberal agitator of his times, he calls him in all his letters "seducer, vase of injuries, scorpion, cruel wolf."

The pacific St. Thomas of Acquinas forgets the calm of his cold syllogisms when he hurls his violent apostrophe against William of St. Amour and his disciples: "Enemies of God," he cries out, "ministers of the Devil, members of AntiChrist, ignorami, perverts, reprobates!" Never did the illustrious Louis Veuillot speak so boldly. The seraphic St. Bonaventure, so full of sweetness, overwhelms his adversary Gerard with such epithets as "impudent, calumniator, spirit of malice, impious, shameless, ignorant, impostor, malefactor, perfidious, ingrate!" Did St. Francis de Sales, so delicately exquisite and tender, ever purr softly over the heretics of his age and country? He pardoned their injuries, heaped benefits on them even to the point of saving the lives of those who sought to take his, but with the enemies of the faith he preserved neither moderation nor consideration. Asked by a Catholic, who (112) desired to know if it were permissible to speak evil of a heretic who propagated false doctrines, he replied: "Yes, you can, on the condition that you adhere to the exact truth, to what you know of his bad conduct, presenting that which is doubtful as doubtful according to the degree of doubt which you may have in this regard."

Did the saints, the apostles and Our Divine Lord pray for their enemies? I have no doubt that they, indeed, prayed for their enemies. Would they have made a public announcement of a mass intention for a mortal enemy and murderer of Christians during an already dark period of the Church suffering from a loss of credibility and lack of moral authority? Common sense, emphatically, says “NO.”

That is the difference between Christ Jesus and us. The disciples were indignant that Christ forgave the sins of that horrid woman called the prostitue; the tax collectors and murderers, according to the disciples did not 'deserve' to be addressed by Jesus. Yet, He did it anyway since no one is denied the love of God.
God does not see as you or I see. Thanks be to His holy name that this is so, or …More
That is the difference between Christ Jesus and us. The disciples were indignant that Christ forgave the sins of that horrid woman called the prostitue; the tax collectors and murderers, according to the disciples did not 'deserve' to be addressed by Jesus. Yet, He did it anyway since no one is denied the love of God.

God does not see as you or I see. Thanks be to His holy name that this is so, or else what hope do any of us have for salvation! 😇
One thing is clear, the best way to fight your enemy is to pray for him 🚬 😉
Holy Cannoli
THe Parish Priest of West Palm Beach seems to understand this and so go beyond the irrational, and is just doing his sacred duty, viz. caring for souls.
No. He is deeply embedded in irrationality and I would expect there are other examples from this man which are not part of the story. What he is attempting to do is to be a counter intuitive hero and in doing so he's an embarrassment to the Church …More
THe Parish Priest of West Palm Beach seems to understand this and so go beyond the irrational, and is just doing his sacred duty, viz. caring for souls.

No. He is deeply embedded in irrationality and I would expect there are other examples from this man which are not part of the story. What he is attempting to do is to be a counter intuitive hero and in doing so he's an embarrassment to the Church for his lack of, what ought to be, simple common sense.

Tell us, ACL, when was the last time you had a Mass said for Genghis Khan, Attila the Hun, or Pontius Pilate? Never? Aren't they high on your list of mass intentions?

Look, appropriateness and common sense is the issue which, from this story, is lacking among some parish priests.

Aquinas tells us that charity (in a sense) begins at home with those who are closest to us (relatives and friends). Afterward, acts of charity are extended in a general way to others. Bin Laden is not as high on my list as he obviously is on Fr. Badway's.
No matter what we have done in our lifetime, St Paul tells us that nothing can come between us and the love of God made manifest in Christ Jesus the Lord.
Therefore, since forgiveness is a direct function of love, who are we mere human beings to say that Love Himself ought not to be approached on Bin Laden's behalf? Who are we mere created beings to tell The Creator of all things who to love and …More
No matter what we have done in our lifetime, St Paul tells us that nothing can come between us and the love of God made manifest in Christ Jesus the Lord.

Therefore, since forgiveness is a direct function of love, who are we mere human beings to say that Love Himself ought not to be approached on Bin Laden's behalf? Who are we mere created beings to tell The Creator of all things who to love and who not to love? And therefore attempt to stand between the Creator and his creation?

THe Parish Priest of West Palm Beach seems to understand this and so go beyond the irrational, and is just doing his sacred duty, viz. caring for souls.

😇 🤗
Fr. Badway, aptly named, should be relieved of his faculties! 🤬
Holy Cannoli
A Mass for Osama bin Laden

“Their hearts are troubled because they're thinking emotionally about what he has done, and he has done a lot of evil,” said Father Gavin Badway, pastor of Holy Name of Jesus Church in West Palm Beach. “Nevertheless, Jesus tells us, love and forgive.”
When questioned further, Father Gavin Badway had no comment on whether mass intentions would be accepted for Judas …More
A Mass for Osama bin Laden


“Their hearts are troubled because they're thinking emotionally about what he has done, and he has done a lot of evil,” said Father Gavin Badway, pastor of Holy Name of Jesus Church in West Palm Beach. “Nevertheless, Jesus tells us, love and forgive.”

When questioned further, Father Gavin Badway had no comment on whether mass intentions would be accepted for Judas Iscariot, Joseph Stalin, Vladimir Lenin, Benito Mussalini, Pol Pot, Slobodan Milosevic, Adolph Hitler, Idi Amin, Saddam Hussei, Mao Ze Dong, et al.



Bishops Have Lost Credibility


Responding to the Vatican's Instruction on sex-abuse policy, Time magazine concludes that the document "addressed only half the scandal”. The Instruction deals with the question of discipline for abusive priests, Time explains; it does not address the question of how to deal with bishops who may have protected the abusers, and thus forfeited their own credibility.

It's not merely the bishops who have lost credibility. The Time article indicts the Vatican itself for its failure throughout the scandal to sanction complicit bishops. Until the Vatican (they are the controliing authority in this matter and every other matter concerning Catholic bishops) gets serious about the root cause, who's responisble and the solution to the problem, we can expect the decay to remain within the Church.

Furthermore, as long as the bishops are commissioning garbage, self-serving, politically correct studies like the following, we can be certain that bishops have yet to face the homosexual problem head on. Therefore, the homosexual issue will remain a problem for the Catholic Church for years to come.


Доброе утро, Doina

👏 Bl.Pope John Paul II--saved many young people's souls!!! 🙏