Gloria TV News. Lent and Fiat Vatican Yesterday, after the Angelus prayer, Benedict XVI renewed his invitation to use Lent in order to overcome everyday temptations. He called for a conversion of heart …More
Gloria TV News.
Lent and Fiat
Yesterday, after the Angelus prayer, Benedict XVI renewed his invitation to use Lent in order to overcome everyday temptations. He called for a conversion of heart towards the essential things in life.
Speaking about the problems of the car manufacturer “Fiat”, the Holy Father stressed, that political leaders and industrialists must make workers and their families the priority during the economic crisis.
Conscience Rule is Thrown Out quietly
United States
The Obama Administration is making a new move in its anti-baby campaign. It is seeking to rescind the rule that allows healthcare workers to deny abortion counseling or other family planning services if doing so would violate their moral beliefs. On Thursday officials stressed that before the administration finalizes the rollback, a standard 30-day comment period seeks input from people across the ideological spectrum. The move to throw out the conscience rule is being made quietly as most of …More
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Conscience Rule is Thrown Out quietly
United StatesMore
Conscience Rule is Thrown Out quietly

United States
This young girl does a god job. 👏
I love this English News (especially with the big picture) ☕