Tradições Católicas Video Aborto em Portugues. Catholic Traditions TV Show 1998 in English with Portuguese Subtitles.More
Tradições Católicas Video Aborto em Portugues.

Catholic Traditions TV Show 1998 in English with Portuguese Subtitles.
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NEW BOOK (2018): Contraception: Reception or Deception by William J. DeTucci
1. 544 Pages with Appendix, Index, Over 100 Photos.
2. Countless Documented Citations by non-Catholics, Theologians, Saints, and Popes on the sins of Natural Family Planning (NFP) and Artificial Contraception.
3. The first-time in English Translation - the 1937 Encyclical of the Greek …More
NEW BOOK (2018): Contraception: Reception or Deception by William J. DeTucci


1. 544 Pages with Appendix, Index, Over 100 Photos.
2. Countless Documented Citations by non-Catholics, Theologians, Saints, and Popes on the sins of Natural Family Planning (NFP) and Artificial Contraception.
3. The first-time in English Translation - the 1937 Encyclical of the Greek Schismatics on Contraception - did they condemn it?
4. What did Pope Pius XII really teach about NFP - did he approve it?
5. And much more....