Gloria.TV News
Gloria TV News on the 19th of April. Sensus Fidelium 71 Year Old Former Nun - Priestess Jesuits ceased being Catholic a long, long time ago. Ross Douthat: "Bad Religion: How We Became a Nation of …More
Gloria TV News on the 19th of April.
Sensus Fidelium
71 Year Old Former Nun - Priestess
Jesuits ceased being Catholic a long, long time ago.
Ross Douthat: "Bad Religion: How We Became a Nation of Heretics.''
Holy Cannoli
I haven't read it so I don't know if Douthat addresses the subject in his book but the blame for "Bad Religion: How We Became a Nation of Heretics” lies squarely at the feet of Catholic bishops (exceptions duly noted) who have for decades lacked the fortitude to teach the faith unambiguously and courageously. These plump, pompous, prelates have relinquished their roles as shepherds fearlessly …More
I haven't read it so I don't know if Douthat addresses the subject in his book but the blame for "Bad Religion: How We Became a Nation of Heretics” lies squarely at the feet of Catholic bishops (exceptions duly noted) who have for decades lacked the fortitude to teach the faith unambiguously and courageously. These plump, pompous, prelates have relinquished their roles as shepherds fearlessly teaching the clear gospel of Jesus Christ for the new fuzzy, warm, Oprah-fied gospel of “just be nice with a stupid smile on your face” and everything will work out OK.

If we examine any trust-invested agency at any given point in its history, whether that agency be a police force, a military unit, or a religious community, we might find that, say, out of every hundred men, five are scoundrels, five are heroes, and the rest are neither one nor the other: ordinarily upright men who live with a mixture of moral timidity and moral courage. When the institution is healthy, the gutsier few set the overall tone, and the less courageous but tractable majority works along with these men to minimize misbehavior; more importantly, the healthy institution is able to identify its own rotten apples and remove them before the institution itself is enfeebled. However, when an institution becomes corrupt, its guiding spirit mysteriously shifts away from the morally intrepid few, and with that shift the institution becomes more interested in protecting itself against outside critics than in tackling the problem members that subvert its mission. For example, when we say a certain police force is corrupt, we don’t usually mean that every policeman is on the take—perhaps only five out of a hundred actually accept bribes—rather we mean that this police force can no longer diagnose and cure its own problems, and consequently, if reform is to take place, an outside agency has to be brought in to make the changes.

Father Paul Shaughnessy

Thanks for the news, Doina
You look very nice today.
