J. S. Bach, "Air on the G String" Marek Gajowniczek Na strunie G Cichutko wieczór rozkłada cienie na biel chodników, na klombów zieleń, na zakamarki przy samochodach, na żywopłotach i krzewów brodach. …Więcej
J. S. Bach, "Air on the G String"

Marek Gajowniczek

Na strunie G

Cichutko wieczór rozkłada cienie
na biel chodników, na klombów zieleń,
na zakamarki przy samochodach,
na żywopłotach i krzewów brodach.

Wieczorną ciszą gaśnie niedziela.
Ktoś nagle ptaki poonieśmielał
i ruch jest znacznie mniejszy niż co dzień.
Przemknął gdzieś tydzień - szary przechodzień.

Potrącił klawisz nutę niesforną.
Z wnętrza organów w ciszę wieczorną
spłynęła aria na strunie gie.
Majowy wieczór. Marzyć się chce.

Westchnienia ciężkie ślą wieczorowi
starsi panowie, ciągle majowi,
myśląc, że może, w tygodniu przyszłym,
jednak by jakoś na spacer wyszli.

Szkoda im ślicznej nocy majowej
tak romantycznej i romansowej,
gdy się na jeszcze cieplutkich dachach
rozkłada wolna muzyka Bacha.

Przesłane przez joenwayne dnia 10 lis 2007
Pipe Organ - "Air on the G String",
J. S. Bach (1685-1750)
from Orchestral Suite No. 3 in D major, BWV 1068
Prelude 28 October 2007

a Redeemer Music Media Production, ©2007 all rights reserved

Wayne Burcham-Gulotta,
Music Director/Organist
Church of the Redeemer, Episcopal
Morristown, NJ, USA

J. W. Steere & Son Organ Co., Opus 701, 1918
originally 4/40 drawknob console
now 3/49 stoptab console

as it exists 2007:
Three manuals (61 notes) and Pedal (32 notes), six divisions
Austin console, 1962
Church Organ Company, Cantilevered Great, 1979
New Century Products, Zimbelstern, 2005

Great Organ I, Unenclosed, Manual II, Cantilevered
8' Principal (61 pipes)
8' Rohr Flöte (61 pipes)
4' Octave (61 pipes)
4' Rohr Flöte (12 pipes)
2' Block Flöte (61 pipes)
Fourniture IV (244 pipes)
8' Trompette (61 pipes)
4' Clarion (12 pipes)
Zimbelstern 9 bells

Great Organ II, Unenclosed, Manual II
16' Bourdon (61 pipes)
8' Open Diapason (61 pipes)
8' Gross Flute (61 pipes)
8' Gemshorn (61 pipes)
4' Octave (61 pipes)
4' Harmonic Flute (61 pipes)
8' Trumpet (61 pipes)

Gt. to Gt. 16'
Gt. Unison Off
Gt. to Gt. 4'
Sw. to Gt. 16'
Sw. to Gt. 8'
Sw. to Gt. 4'
Ch. to Gt. 16'
Ch. to Gt. 8'
Ch. to Gt. 4'
Echo to Gt. 8'
Echo to Gt. 4'

Swell Organ, Expressive, Manual III
16' Bourdon (73 pipes)
8' Diapason (73 pipes)
8' Gedeckt (73 pipes)
8' Salicional (73 pipes)
8' Voix Celeste (61 pipes)
8' Aeoline (73 pipes)
4' Flauto Traverso (Harmonic) (73 pipes)
2' Piccolo (61 pipes)
Mixture III Ranks (12th, 15th, 17th) - (183 pipes)
16' Pousaune (61 pipes)
8' Cornopean (73 pipes)
8' Oboe (73 pipes)
Sw. to Sw. 16'
Sw. Unison Off
Sw. to Sw. 4'
Ch. to Sw. 8'

Choir Organ, Expressive, Manual I
16' Contra Gamba (73 pipes)
8' Diapason (73 pipes)
8' Concert Flute (73 pipes)
8' Flute Celeste (TC) - (61 pipes)
8' Quintadena (73 pipes)
8' Dulciana (73 pipes)
4' Flute d'Amour (73 pipes)
8' Clarinet (73 pipes)
8' Orchestral Oboe (73 pipes)
Celesta 49 bars
Ch. to Ch. 16'
Ch. Unison Off
Ch. to Ch. 4'
Sw. to Ch. 16'
Sw. to Ch. 8'
Sw. to Ch. 4'
Echo to Ch. 8'
Echo to Ch. 4'

Echo Organ, Expressive, Floating
(North Clerestory, 4th bay)
8' Fern Flute (73 pipes)
8' Muted Viole (73 pipes)
8' Viole Celeste (73 pipes)
4' Flute a Cheminee (Harmonic) (73 pipes)
8' Vox Humana (73 pipes)
Chimes (Degan) 20 tubes

Pedal Organ
32' Resultant (32 notes)
16' Diapason (32 pipes)
16' Gamba (Choir) (32 notes)
16' Bourdon (shared with Great) (32 notes)
16' Gedeckt (Swell) (32 notes)
8' Diapason (from Steere Great Processional) (32 pipes)
8' Flute (Great II) (32 notes)
8' Violoncello (Choir) (32 notes)
4' Octave (from Steere Great Processional) (12 pipes)
4' Flute (Great II) (32 notes)
2' Octave (from Steere Great Processional) (12 pipes)
Mixture II (Church Organ Company) (64 pipes)
16' Trombone (shared with Swell) (32 notes)
8' Trompette (Great I) (32 notes)
4' Clarion (Great I) (32 notes)
Gt. to Ped. 8'
Gt. to Ped. 4'
Sw. to Ped. 8'
Sw. to Ped. 4'
Ch. to Ped. 8'
Ch. to Ped. 4'
Echo to Ped. 8'

10 General Pistons and Toe Studs
8 Swell Pistons
8 Great Pistons
8 Choir Pistons
3 Echo Pistons
6 Pedal Toe Studs
Swell to Pedal 8' Reversible Piston
Great to Pedal 8' Reversible Piston and Toe Stud
Choir to Pedal 8' Reversible Piston
Tutti Reversible Piston and Toe Stud
General Cancel Piston
Zimbelstern On/Off Buttons

Balanced Echo, Choir and Swell Pedals
Balanced Crescendo Pedal
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♥ 👍