Gloria.TV News on the 20th of July. Reverend Chuck Hough IV, Chuck Hough III, Living And Growing, Nick Gibb, Creative Minority, Father James Valladares,More
Gloria.TV News on the 20th of July.

Reverend Chuck Hough IV, Chuck Hough III, Living And Growing, Nick Gibb, Creative Minority, Father James Valladares,
I blushed watching the cartoon. 😎 God have mercyo those kids. 🙏
Maybe your wise Grandmother will offer a commentary on one of the stories and you can provide the translation subtitles?
Tgi ei quella tatta schenada?
Cars salids era ad ella. 👏 👏 👏More
Tgi ei quella tatta schenada?

Cars salids era ad ella. 👏 👏 👏
Hello Lucia, thank you for the news!
An educational film is for *primary schools*… It reminds me the dolls and stoff toys which were used for the sexual education of 4-years-old kids in Basel 🤮
Greetings from Italy to your grandmother and you 🙂
Greetings from Canada for your grandma.
God bless you both. What a nice picture!
My grandma lived long, 105 in good health.
Thank you for presenting her for all of us who watch the news.
Niech was Bóg blogosławi i Matka Najświętsza ma was zawsze w swojej opiece.
Your grandmother is very sweet for being such a good sport and coming on-camera. Kiss her once for each rating of this broadcast!
✍️ Greetings from Ireland Grandma Buzut - Rene
Janet O'Connor
Finally we are hearing about the falsely accused priests! 😇 🤗 👍 😡 🙂 😌 😀
Droga Lucia, niech Dobry Bóg hojnie błogosławi Tobie i Twojej Babci! Pięknie pozdrawiam i życzę wielu radosnych chwil spędzonych wspólnie z Rodziną.
God bless You! 👏 🤗
Excellent, Lucia, see you at home conveying the news, with the Virgin Mary presiding over the news and the grandmother Buzut present, she has been faithful transmitter of the faith to their children and grandchildren. Greetings to Doina and enjoy your life with your family. God bless you.
Excelente, Lucia, verte desde casa transmitiendo las noticias, con la Virgen María presidiendo las noticias y …More
Excellent, Lucia, see you at home conveying the news, with the Virgin Mary presiding over the news and the grandmother Buzut present, she has been faithful transmitter of the faith to their children and grandchildren. Greetings to Doina and enjoy your life with your family. God bless you.

Excelente, Lucia, verte desde casa transmitiendo las noticias, con la Virgen María presidiendo las noticias y con la abuela Buzut presente, ella que ha sido fiel transmisora de la fe para su hijos y sus nietos. Saludos a Doina y que disfruten su convivencia con su familia. Dios les bendiga.
👏 👏 👏 👏 👍 👍 🙏 🙏
Lucia, ganz herzliche Grüsse an Deine Grossmutter!
holyrope 3
Hi Grandma Buzut!! So glad to see you! 🤗 👏
Hallo Luzia
🤗 🤗 🤗
Hast Du aber eine liebe Grossmutter.
Aus den Bündner Bergen grüssen wir Dich und Deine liebe Familie.
Die modernen Medien haben sogar die Grossmutter zum Staunen gebracht.
👍 👍 👍 🤗 🤗 🤗More
Hallo Luzia
🤗 🤗 🤗
Hast Du aber eine liebe Grossmutter.
Aus den Bündner Bergen grüssen wir Dich und Deine liebe Familie.

Die modernen Medien haben sogar die Grossmutter zum Staunen gebracht.
👍 👍 👍 🤗 🤗 🤗
Holy Cannoli
Dzien dobry, Grandma Buzut.
Let Grandma Buzut say a few words next time.
Dzien dobry, Grandma Buzut.


Let Grandma Buzut say a few words next time.

An imoral governments trying to be the ruler on Morals.