Benedict XVI: God frees us from the darkness of selfishness. Jesus brings salvation to humanity: a new relationship with God that triumphs over evil and death, and that is the true joy, "for this …More
Benedict XVI: God frees us from the darkness of selfishness.
Jesus brings salvation to humanity: a new relationship with God that triumphs over evil and death, and that is the true joy, "for this presence of the Lord who comes to enlighten our path, though this is often overwhelmed at present by the darkness of selfishness." These were some of the words Pope Benedict XVI spoke Sunday morning, during his homily at Mass on the third Sunday of Advent - "Gaudete" Sunday - in the parish of St. Patrick at Colle Prenestino, on the eastern outskirts of Rome. The Holy Father spoke of the certainty we have in faith that the Lord is present, regardless of how circumstance might appear to give cause for mistrust, sadness, and even despair. The presence of the Lord is by it ...
God bless the Holy Father.