Sarah's Choice. Grammy-Award-winning recording artist Rebecca St. James stars as Sarah Collins, a young woman on the rise. As a junior account executive at a major advertising agency, Sarah is poised …More
Sarah's Choice.

Grammy-Award-winning recording artist Rebecca St. James stars as Sarah Collins, a young woman on the rise. As a junior account executive at a major advertising agency, Sarah is poised to get it all: executive promotion, salary increase, new car, fabulous apartment and first-class travel. Theres only one thing thats going to keep her from getting it, her unborn baby. But Sarah has a choice. Her friends and co-workers insist that she has the right to choose a path that offers a successful career and unlimited material rewards. But according to a mysterious stranger, and a series of three nocturnal visions, Sarah has another choice a choice that will not only change her life but also the lives of her loved ones now and forever. In 1973 The United States Supreme Court struck down state laws that ban abortion, but the moral controversy surrounding the issue is far from resolved. If it is legally true that a woman can make her own private decision regarding her reproductive health, Sarahs Choice is a film that offers compelling moral reasons to choose life.