Gloria TV News on the Feast of St. Francis Xavier. Remember Fulton Sheen USA Archbishop Timothy Dolan will celebrate Mass in St. Patrick’s Cathedral in New York Mass in remembrance of the 30th anniversary …More
Gloria TV News on the Feast of St. Francis Xavier.

Remember Fulton Sheen


Archbishop Timothy Dolan will celebrate Mass in St. Patrick’s Cathedral in New York Mass in remembrance of the 30th anniversary of the death of the late Archbishop and great preacher Fulton Sheen. In an outpouring of support for the canonization of the late Archbishop, dioceses worldwide will join together on this day to offer Masses for this intention. Masses will be celebrated in 35 countries on six continents.

Rediscovering Confession


Yesterday Pope Benedict XVI encouraged the faithful during his weekly audience, to make use of the sacrament of Penance. He said that a focus on that sacrament is particularly appropriate during this Year for Priests. He pointed out that the day marked the 25th anniversary of the apostolic exhortation Reconciliatio et Paenitentia by Pope John Paul II, which called for a renewal of the sacrament. The Pope paid special tribute to the saints who are renowned as “apostles of the confessional,” including St. John Mary Vianney and Padre Pio.

Importance of Abstinence and Fidelity

South Africa

Cardinal Wilfrid Fox Napier of Durban in South Africa is emphasizing that abstinence outside marriage and fidelity within it are the keys to preventing the spread of AIDS. The cardinal is one of the most prominent Church leaders in Africa. He served as one of the presidents-delegate at the recent Synod of Bishops for Africa. Napier told Vatican Radio that the nation’s bishops are drafting a document on human sexuality that will highlight the importance of abstinence and fidelity.

Cardinal Speaks Out on Homosexuality


Cardinal Javier Lozano Barragan has said in an interview with Pontifex, that homosexuals and transvestites "will never enter into the reign of God," appealing to St. Paul. Cardinal Lozano is from Mexico and emeritus president of the Pontifical Council for Pastoral Health. He stated that homosexuals are not born that way but become that. The cardinal declared that the passion between men is degrading. Anyone who violates the natural and physical dignity, insults God – he added.
✍️ And you. - Rene
God bless you as well! 🙂
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