O Sons and Daughters. O Sons and Daughters (Filii et Filiae) Composed by Jean Tisserand O.F.M. Sung by the Daughters of Mary daughtersofmary.net/music.phpMore
O Sons and Daughters.
O Sons and Daughters (Filii et Filiae)
Composed by Jean Tisserand O.F.M.
Sung by the Daughters of Mary
woody437 shares this

Woody437: I am so impressed with Our Lady, I am stunned.....I have been led to recent scripture concerning her, in Revelations, and I am absolutly, stunned, at how powerful, God is, and His Church!!!! I am totally at ease, that any liberalism, within our Church, will be purified, by Our Lord, and His Mother.......and I do believe, SSPX, is being used by the Lord, because they are radical Catholic,…More
Woody437: I am so impressed with Our Lady, I am stunned.....I have been led to recent scripture concerning her, in Revelations, and I am absolutly, stunned, at how powerful, God is, and His Church!!!! I am totally at ease, that any liberalism, within our Church, will be purified, by Our Lord, and His Mother.......and I do believe, SSPX, is being used by the Lord, because they are radical Catholic, and they are also, restoring the Tradition, and they are coming back into union with the Church.......St. Pius V....is another story, but they are preaching a very holy walk......which I love...it has helped me greatly, so I can see, the Lord, in all of this....and WE MUST TRUST IN HIM.......and say, many rosary's, and say many Divine Mercy prayers.....I am busy attacking the, secular media, that is infesting, our culure, with immorality, I want everyone, to go to Onemillionmoms.com. I just got off, the phone, with the Vice president, of Carls Junior, and I told him, we are boycotting his franchise.....we need to wake, up brothers and sisters. This is very easy to do. All of us, can come against, horribly provocative, sexually, insane, commercials, that are permeating our homes, and Onemillionmoms.com, is an amazing way to do it. I just told, the Vice president, that I love his food, but can't eat there anymore, because of his distasteful adds.....I call on all of you brothers and sisters, to link, with Onemillionmoms.com, and other groups, that are actively fighting for our Christian rights....RIGHT NOW!!!!!!!!!!!!! IN OUR COUNTRY IN WORLD. YOU CAN BY PHONE, AND COMPUTOR, FIGHT BACK!!!!!!! JOIN ME...AND MANY OTHERS, AND LETS START BOYCOTTING, WITH ONEMILLIONMOMS, THESE HORRIBLE FRANCHISES, AND LET THEM KNOW WHY!!!!!!!!!!!!!! THE TIME IS NOW!!!!!!!!!!! 😡 😡 😡 😡 😡 😡

Like you Br Ross, I have never liked exclusiveness, it reminds me too much of the way the Pharisees shunned the Samaritans, and everyone else for that matter that did not measure up to their standards. Our Blessed Lord on the other hand did not contrain any limits on his Ministry or even on his miracles, the only time I am aware of that Christ refused to discourse with anyone, was when he was brought …More
Like you Br Ross, I have never liked exclusiveness, it reminds me too much of the way the Pharisees shunned the Samaritans, and everyone else for that matter that did not measure up to their standards. Our Blessed Lord on the other hand did not contrain any limits on his Ministry or even on his miracles, the only time I am aware of that Christ refused to discourse with anyone, was when he was brought before King Herod, and then it seems clear that he already knew the disposition of the man's heart.
It is for this reason that I have mirrored all these videos on YouTube, so that all might derrive what benefit they can, although I especially like posting them up on gloria.tv for obvious reasons. I do not know what role all these Christian factions will play in the spiritual battle that looms ahead. I even rather fancy that various protestant sects will have a role to play, even if just as a counterpoint to slown down the progress of the antichrist. "Now we see but through a glass darkly ..."
GREAT AS ALWAYS..Christopher + Maria 👍
Christopher: My brother, your video's are hit.....just please don't incorporate, anything my daughter, Maria, likes.....lol...like casting crows, and such.....you stuff, is wonderful, because it incorporates, Catholic music. The Spirit, of such, is from a much deeper part of the well....I very much enjoy Daughter of Mary, and I very much enjoy the Catholic spirit, so much I have left the fundamentalist …More
Christopher: My brother, your video's are hit.....just please don't incorporate, anything my daughter, Maria, likes.....lol...like casting crows, and such.....you stuff, is wonderful, because it incorporates, Catholic music. The Spirit, of such, is from a much deeper part of the well....I very much enjoy Daughter of Mary, and I very much enjoy the Catholic spirit, so much I have left the fundamentalist camps....and I pray everday, they will all follow us....back to the One True Church. I have a dear brother, that is a St. Pius V, follower, and I listen to there Homily's on the internet, and I love there pursuit, of purity, and holiness...but I do get a little annoyed, when the announce at the start of there services, and I have heard this with my own ears....that if you are part of the Novus Mass, you can't have fellowship with us....so don't even step near, the Eucharist rails....this is what turned me, away from St. Pius V.......this is not, where are Lord would be taking us.....SSPX...on the other hand, is more inline, with the heart of the Church...at least in the Long run....now once they are grafted in, over time, I pray, St. Pius V...will follow, and we can get back, to what we all need and want......A Holy , Apostalic Church, and our Monks, in the Monestary's, prayers will be answered......and we can all get brutally martyrd, by the Anti-Christ, lol...and we can go to Heaven, and live with our Lord, for eternity.......lol...lol.....you are doing a great time brother Christopher, and I would like to do one other thing, and thats put a plug in for OneMillionMoms.com they are a great institution, for cleaning the immorality out of our society. Right now, they are battling Carls Jr. who is advertising again, using filth......and when I am done typing this, I am going to get on the phone, call there manager, and tell them, they have lost business, with not only me, but my entire Catholic Church.....(A little white lie, concerning the Church) but I will tell a white lie, for the Lord, and his glory... 👏 ........pray for me....


If I could get half of you, joing me, and Onemillionmoms.com, to clean up, our society, we could make a difference.....
Thank you very kindly Br Ross!
I think as you mentioned, I try to gather up God's gifts, wheresoever they may be scattered.
In response to Woody437, I will say that although I am not afiliated with the St Pius V group directly, it is my understanding that they perceive a contradiction in the teachings of the Popes prior to, and post Vatican II.
The rationale of rejecting current infallable Papal …More
Thank you very kindly Br Ross!
I think as you mentioned, I try to gather up God's gifts, wheresoever they may be scattered.
In response to Woody437, I will say that although I am not afiliated with the St Pius V group directly, it is my understanding that they perceive a contradiction in the teachings of the Popes prior to, and post Vatican II.
The rationale of rejecting current infallable Papal teachings, therefore, would be because they undermine past infallable Papal teachings. So in essense you could say that they reject Papal authority because of belief in Papal authority. Ironic, yes?
Of course, central to this contention is the idea of just what the duty and role of the Pope consists of, which has been outlined extensively in Vatican Council I.
I have indulged in one quotation below which might illustrate this point:

"For the Holy Spirit was promised to the successors of Peter not so that they might, by his revelation, make known some new doctrine, but that, by his assistance, they might religiously guard and faithfully expound the revelation or deposit of faith transmitted by the apostles."
(Vatican Council, 1870 Session 4, Chapter 4. #9)

So I guess the whole case rests on what you would define as "expound" and what you would define as "new doctrine".
I've really only given a cursory glance at the encyclical myself, so there could be a great deal more which might be said for either case.

Personally, my main hope in creating these slideshows, is simply to foster greater devotion and frequency in prayer for those, like myself, who find it very difficult to focus (I watched way too much TV growing up).
To strike a kind of balance, therefore, I am planning to have my next few projects incorporate a different musical background, which I hope will also prove pleasing for those of you who have been kind enough to visit my page.

God Bless
Woody437: Because they are St. PiusV, and the sister Churches, that are with them, do not allow, a normy like myself, to recieve Holy Communion with them. Even though I am a Roman Catholic in good standing in my Church. At least I will be in good standing after this Thursday night, after confession, because I have fallen back in a certain sin again, that I have been battling for decades. But after …More
Woody437: Because they are St. PiusV, and the sister Churches, that are with them, do not allow, a normy like myself, to recieve Holy Communion with them. Even though I am a Roman Catholic in good standing in my Church. At least I will be in good standing after this Thursday night, after confession, because I have fallen back in a certain sin again, that I have been battling for decades. But after confession I will be in good standing to recieve the Eucharist. The sister Churches, and the Church, where the Daughters of Mary worship and sing, in Queens New York, is the heart of St. Pius V, and they don't allow, the norman Roman Catholic to recieve the Eucharist. They actually go so far, as to preach, the concencration is not happening in the Roman Catholic Church, because of the change of the Mass......this sends very dangerous message to many of us, that really like the traditional Mass......and many of us, do realize the liturgy, needs to be brought back to Latin.....and I support, churches, like SSPX....and admire them, but I think, that St. Pius V, has gone to far. HOWEVER, with that said, I believe, that all things, within the Church are being orchestrated by our Lord, to strength, to even a greater level, His divine Mission. Did you not know, that St. Pius V, preaches, as a disclaimer, with her sister Churches, that if a Roman Catholic, is involved with Holy Mother Church, that we cannot come into fellowship with them, and recieve the Eucharist?....... 🧐 That hardly, sounds, like something scriptural. Jesus Christ has promised NEVER to abandon his church. There are souls, everyday, 10's of thousands of them, our brothers and sisters, dying, right now. Is one to assume or tell me, that our sacraments, are invalid, in Holy Mother Church, but now all of a sudden valid in St. Pius V........????
Can we say, conspiracy theory here?????? Are people, in our governement, and outside the world, still analyzing the world trade center, because some have said, that the building couldn't collapse like that? Are we not still looking for the 2nd or 3rd gunmen, on the grassy knoll, who killed kennedy? Are we not, still obsessed with U.F.O's.....the conspiracy of Vatican II is ripe my brother.......and I trust the Lord, will breath wisdom into our hearts. That is why I have preached on this blog, to focus more on bringing our separated brothers into Holy Mother Church, and defend the faith to our Fundamentalist brothers and sister, who think we are all worshiping Mary......we must arm ourselves, as evangelists, and take the gospel to the streets....immediatly, and let the inner factions, work themselves out!!!!!! We must preach and live holy lives...and what a perfect evangelizing field we live in because our world, and nation is rotting like a banana peel, left out over night........

Christopher: I have not seen you in a while, brother, did you know, daughtersofmary, were affilitated, with St.Pius V.....isn't that amazing. Here we have a hardcore Traditionalist Church, that doesn't accept, the Catholic Churches authority, and they produce, this amazing gift......God is everywhere....this is so angelic......I listen to them, on the internet......
Christopher: I have not seen you in a while, brother, did you know, daughtersofmary, were affilitated, with St.Pius V.....isn't that amazing. Here we have a hardcore Traditionalist Church, that doesn't accept, the Catholic Churches authority, and they produce, this amazing gift......God is everywhere....this is so angelic......I listen to them, on the internet......

excellent.. 🙂