Gloria TV News on the Feast of Servant of God Brother Juniper. Prepare them Better USA The Diocese of Phoenix in Arizona has inaugurated a new policy requiring a more extensive preparation for marriage …More
Gloria TV News on the Feast of Servant of God Brother Juniper.
Prepare them Better
The Diocese of Phoenix in Arizona has inaugurated a new policy requiring a more extensive preparation for marriage, in an effort to reverse a trend to marital breakdown. The diocese will require engaged couples to complete a 9-month preparation course, including instruction in natural family planning, the theology of Christian marriage, and common problems that face young married couples.
The Numbers of the Main Religious Orders
Catholic Church
An increase of vocations in South Asia and Africa was not sufficient to stem a decline in the number of Salesians of Don Bosco, the Church’s second-largest men’s religious institute. There are now 15,952 Salesians, including novices. The Society of Jesus, the Jesuits, with 18,711 members, is the largest men’s religious community. The Order of Friars Minor, the Franciscans, have 15,130 members, the Capuchins 11,092, and the Benedictines 7,558 ranking third, fourth …More
It is not right to force people to wait 9 months for their wedding, after their decision to get married.
Hopefully couples who wish to marry will have to undergo a more extensive and intensive training and learning of their Catholic faith. This is very much needed.
Again, thank you for bringing us the news, we don't always get this on other sites.
And you look great in red, really you do.
Hopefully couples who wish to marry will have to undergo a more extensive and intensive training and learning of their Catholic faith. This is very much needed.

Again, thank you for bringing us the news, we don't always get this on other sites.

And you look great in red, really you do.