Gloria.TV News on the 8th of October. Lockstep into the abyss: Freiburg archbishop Robert Zollitsch, the president of the German Bishops’ Conference, has abolished the indissolubility of marriage. From …More
Gloria.TV News on the 8th of October.
Lockstep into the abyss: Freiburg archbishop Robert Zollitsch, the president of the German Bishops’ Conference, has abolished the indissolubility of marriage. From now on he admits divorced and remarried people to the sacraments. The new regulation was published on Monday in a document of his pastoral office. This is in contradiction to the Gospel and the teachings of Jesus Christ. The other German dioceses will follow Zollitsch in lockstep. In February Zollitsch and the other bishops agreed to the introduction of abortion through the morning-after-pill.
Bishops turn away from God: Speaking to those present for morning Mass at Casa Santa Marta on Monday, Pope Francis pointed out that bishops and even the Pope sometimes turn away from God.
The problem is in the seminaries: Francisco Javier Occis Reyes is a suspended Santo Domingo deacon. Since June he has been held in prison on charges of sexual abuse on a minor. According to domincantoday.com he …More
esa muchacha si que es fea.. 🤨
Zollitsch has to be excomunicated! 😡
He is judas - a very dangerous man for many souls!
thanks for the news.
Prefect Gerhard Ludwig Müller, shortly before he took office in 2012, he came out against a group of reform oriented priests who wanted to break with church law and give Communion to remarried congregants. This, Müller said, was "not compatible with the Christian faith." 🙏 🙏 🙏
El prefecto Gerhard Ludwig Müller, poco antes de asumir el cargo en 2012, se pronunció en contra de un grupo de …More
Prefect Gerhard Ludwig Müller, shortly before he took office in 2012, he came out against a group of reform oriented priests who wanted to break with church law and give Communion to remarried congregants. This, Müller said, was "not compatible with the Christian faith." 🙏 🙏 🙏
El prefecto Gerhard Ludwig Müller, poco antes de asumir el cargo en 2012, se pronunció en contra de un grupo de sacerdotes orientados a la reforma que querían romper con la ley de la Iglesia y dar la comunión a los feligreses vueltos a casar. Esto dijo, Müller, "no era compatible con la fe cristiana."
Thanks be to God for real Catholic Ladies, like the one presenting the news here.
What a backward, upside down disgraceful situation in the Church today.
Paradise asks " Is anyone waking up? Indeed!
They are trying to harvest fruits from a field of death. They have sown, and are continuing to sow The religion of man ;They are in a deep diabolical sleep.
This should be a wake up call to all Catholics …More
Thanks be to God for real Catholic Ladies, like the one presenting the news here.
What a backward, upside down disgraceful situation in the Church today.
Paradise asks " Is anyone waking up? Indeed!
They are trying to harvest fruits from a field of death. They have sown, and are continuing to sow The religion of man ;They are in a deep diabolical sleep.

This should be a wake up call to all Catholics, not invested in the new modernist theology.{ Read professional Catholics ,} LEARN the Faith as it was taught prior to the Revolution of the 1960s.
Purchase a Catechism of Trent, Get The Catechism of St Pope Pius X, Read the saints lives viz St John Eudes St. Teresa of Avila St John Neumann Read /Study .Find out what the Dogmas are, and commit them to memory. and please, for the good of your soul.


St John Neumann Pray for us
St Isaac Jogues Pray for us
St Rose of Lima Pray for us

Most Sacred Heart of Jesus pray for us

TRADUCIDO Lockstep en el abismo : Freiburg arzobispo Robert Zollitsch , presidente de la Conferencia Episcopal Alemana , ha abolido la indisolubilidad del matrimonio. A partir de ahora , admite divorciados y vueltos a casar personas a los sacramentos. El nuevo reglamento fue publicado el lunes en un documento de su oficio pastoral . Esto está en contradicción con el Evangelio y las enseñanzas de …More
TRADUCIDO Lockstep en el abismo : Freiburg arzobispo Robert Zollitsch , presidente de la Conferencia Episcopal Alemana , ha abolido la indisolubilidad del matrimonio. A partir de ahora , admite divorciados y vueltos a casar personas a los sacramentos. El nuevo reglamento fue publicado el lunes en un documento de su oficio pastoral . Esto está en contradicción con el Evangelio y las enseñanzas de Jesucristo. El otro alemán diócesis Zollitsch seguirá al mismo ritmo . En febrero de Zollitsch y los otros obispos acordaron la introducción del aborto a través de la mañana después de la píldora . Obispos se alejan de Dios : Al hablar a los presentes en la Misa por la mañana en la Casa Santa Marta el lunes , el Papa Francis señaló que los obispos y el Papa , incluso a veces se alejan de Dios. El problema está en los seminarios : Francisco Javier Reyes Occis suspendido Santo Domingo es un diácono. A partir de junio se ha celebrado en la cárcel por cargos de abuso sexual de un menor. Según domincantoday.com culpó a los casos de montaje de homosexual y sacerdotes pedófilos en los seminarios que afirma aceptar a las personas con esas aberraciones ya quienes los enviaban tan inclinados , degeneró cuando entran en un seminario. Cita: " Cuando entran en el seminario, los jóvenes degeneran y , si usted no habla con nadie y ocultas , las cosas se ponen peor. " Fabulous work : Hermana Simone Campbell , una monja católica y director ejecutivo de la débil -on- aborto Católica justicia social Network Group , dio una charla en la Universidad Católica Belarmino en Louisville , Kentucky En cuanto al futuro de la Iglesia Católica. Campbell desafió a la audiencia para conciliar la naturaleza jerárquica de la iglesia con el mensaje democrático del Nuevo Testamento. Como lo ve. Cita: " . Estoy profundamente convencido de que Jesús tiene que ver con la dignidad del ser humano " Según Campbell , los líderes de la iglesia están " paralizados " por su falta de empatía por la gente común. Sin embargo , Campbell tuvo palabras brillantes para el Papa Francis . "Está haciendo un trabajo fabuloso ", dijo.
Gloria TV News on the 10th of October...
maybe the News from 8th and 9th have been more comfortable?
and: the quote from Mr. Reyes in print is missing (I can not always have the loudspeakers on) so I am happy if I can read the news.
Gloria TV News on the 10th of October...
maybe the News from 8th and 9th have been more comfortable?

and: the quote from Mr. Reyes in print is missing (I can not always have the loudspeakers on) so I am happy if I can read the news.
Is anybody taking notice of what the Germans are doing? This cancer will eventually poison the whole body of the Church.
Is anybody waking up? Is Pope Francis waking up?More
Is anybody taking notice of what the Germans are doing? This cancer will eventually poison the whole body of the Church.

Is anybody waking up? Is Pope Francis waking up?