Gloria.TV News on the 29th of November. Catholics Sue the Government: The Nashville Diocese and other Catholic organizations are suing the U.S. administration stating that it is forcing them to break …More
Gloria.TV News on the 29th of November.
Catholics Sue the Government: The Nashville Diocese and other Catholic organizations are suing the U.S. administration stating that it is forcing them to break the commandments by offering health insurance that includes contraceptive services. Although the government offered an exemption on religious grounds, most of the plaintiffs do not qualify under Obama's narrow definition of 'religious employers,' even though they are religious organizations under any reasonable definition of the term. The Nashville Diocese has approximately 1,000 full-time workers.
Dissenting German Bishops: The German bishops who introduced the morning-after pill in their hospitals in February, are now undermining the indissolubility of Catholic marriage and they use the Pope’s words to do so. The spokesman of the Freiburg archdiocese said to CNS: “The pope has now clearly signaled that certain things can be decided locally.” A spokesman for Stuttgart diocese even claimed …More
Rosa de Sarom
Todos esses alemães bispos da Igreja Católica que estão aprovando o divórcio podem ir a igreja de Martinho Lutero.
Um divórcio é uma das causas do empobrecimento da família, abandono dos filhos e perda de contato especialmente dos avós com os netos.
Em países socialistas ocasionam muitas despesas para o Estado porque os filhos abandodos tem que ser sustentados com o imposto de outros contribuintes! …More
Todos esses alemães bispos da Igreja Católica que estão aprovando o divórcio podem ir a igreja de Martinho Lutero.

Um divórcio é uma das causas do empobrecimento da família, abandono dos filhos e perda de contato especialmente dos avós com os netos.
Em países socialistas ocasionam muitas despesas para o Estado porque os filhos abandodos tem que ser sustentados com o imposto de outros contribuintes!

Um divórcio é um desastre.

A Alemanha é está sendo vítima de lideranças promíscuas. Leis catastróficas tais como a lei sobre prostituição que fez deste país a rota "sex -turismo" como a Tailândia, etc …estão sendo aprovadas!!!

Esses bispos alemães são um horror!

Se a Igreja Católica se sujeitar a essas condições vai ser prostituta também!
Rosa de Sarom
All these germans bishops of the Catholic Church whose approve divorce can go to Martin Luther church.
A divorce is a cause of impoverishment of the family, child neglect and loss of contact especially of grandparents with grandchildren.
A divorce is a disaster.
Germany is the sacrifice of those in promiscuous leadership in this country. Lately catastrophic laws such as the law on prostitution …More
All these germans bishops of the Catholic Church whose approve divorce can go to Martin Luther church.
A divorce is a cause of impoverishment of the family, child neglect and loss of contact especially of grandparents with grandchildren.
A divorce is a disaster.

Germany is the sacrifice of those in promiscuous leadership in this country. Lately catastrophic laws such as the law on prostitution which made this country the route "Fri tourism" like Thailand etc. ...

These bishops are a mess!

If the Catholic Church is subject to be prostitute!
🙏 😇
"Laudetur Iesus Christus", Gloriat.Tv and Doina.
👏 👏 👏 👏 👏
Holy Cannoli
Dear Gloria, Capitalism is a tool similar to a spoon and a fork. When utilized properly, the spoon and fork (or chop sticks) can be beneficial to those using them. When abused, all kinds of problems arise. Overuse of the spoon and fork can lead to obesity, which can lead to Diabetes, heart disease and some cancers.
Because of these excesses, we don't eliminate spoons and forks. People, especially …More
Dear Gloria, Capitalism is a tool similar to a spoon and a fork. When utilized properly, the spoon and fork (or chop sticks) can be beneficial to those using them. When abused, all kinds of problems arise. Overuse of the spoon and fork can lead to obesity, which can lead to Diabetes, heart disease and some cancers.

Because of these excesses, we don't eliminate spoons and forks. People, especially Christians, ought to exercise some control over their appetites. Ditto for Capitalism.

Thanks for the news, Doina. You look delightful as usual today.

Somehow very much alike this one:
Somehow very much alike this one:

