Gloria.TV News on the 12th of December. A Second Letter: Pope Francis has written a second letter to the dissenting German theologian Hans Küng. Küng announced this himself in a German magazine. He …More
Gloria.TV News on the 12th of December.

A Second Letter: Pope Francis has written a second letter to the dissenting German theologian Hans Küng. Küng announced this himself in a German magazine. He added that both letters were written by hand. On the cover Francis wrote "F, Domus Sanctae Marthae, Vaticano". Küng describes the letters as – quote “very friendly”. Francis greeted him with - quote "fraternal greetings". Küng also complained that John Paul II had never sent him an answer in 27 years.

Switzerland: The Superior General of the SSPX, Bishop Fellay, has noted in his recent Advent letter that the election of a new Pope has not improved the disastrous situation of the Church. According to him, Francis emphasize the Second Vatican Council and canonizes John XXIII and John Paul II. This shows to bishop Fellay that the situation remains catastrophic. Quote: The same causes lead to the same effects.

Catholics Should Be Suspicious: On December 4th, Adam Shaw published an article at FoxNews.com entitled “Pope Francis is the Catholic Church’s Obama – God help us”. He writes: “Pope Francis is undergoing a popularity surge comparable to the way Barack Obama was greeted by the world in 2008. And, just as President Obama has been a disappointment for America, Pope Francis will prove a disaster for the Catholic Church.” Quote: “My fellow Catholics should be suspicious when bastions of anti-Catholicism in the left-wing media are in love with him.”

Pope Mistakes Glee for Respect: Adam Shaw’s critique is keen. Quote: “Francis is beating a retreat for the Catholic Church and making sure its controversial doctrines are whispered, not yelled.” Quote: “This softly-softly approach of not making a fuss has been tried before and failed.” In trying to please the media and the modern world, Francis, according to Shaw, mistakes their glee for respect. And: Like Obama he mistakes the faithful for the enemy, the enemy for his friend, and condescension for respect.
The pride of men, can block the Holy Ghost.
If you believe that the Pope's letter to Hans Küng is "negative" news, then this is your own judgment about an act accomplished by the present pope. I have listen this news again: Gloria.tv simply presents the fact without qualifying the matter in a negative way (as you do).More

If you believe that the Pope's letter to Hans Küng is "negative" news, then this is your own judgment about an act accomplished by the present pope. I have listen this news again: Gloria.tv simply presents the fact without qualifying the matter in a negative way (as you do).
Holy Cannoli
Shooting the Messenger Your disgruntled and now disbanded cabal (RIP) would regularly employ this tactic but, by now, you should know better. Doina's video reports the comments made by Adam Shaw. Write to him if you think he's incorrect in his assessment.
It is incredible that the Vicar of Christ would ever say “Who am I to judge?” providing NO clarification. I wonder if Christ would have said such …More
Shooting the Messenger Your disgruntled and now disbanded cabal (RIP) would regularly employ this tactic but, by now, you should know better. Doina's video reports the comments made by Adam Shaw. Write to him if you think he's incorrect in his assessment.

It is incredible that the Vicar of Christ would ever say “Who am I to judge?” providing NO clarification. I wonder if Christ would have said such a thing if facing a similar situation?

Reporting the Pope's own ambiguous comments provided with no clarifications and pointing out his photo-op, please the media, feel good actions that do little to heal his beleaguered Church is now considered to be negative? It's negative in the sense that while the church waits for something substantive and healing from this pope, we get plenty of baby kissing, washing Muslim women's feet and hugging deformed faces. These actions do nothing to address a worldwide liturgy in crisis or heterodox bishops.
One gets the distinct sense that Gloria TV in not enamoured of, or impressed with, this new Pope. It would us all well to remember that while we have had the Borgias and the Di Medici Popes, and the disastrous Papacies of them all, it is the Holy Spirit who moves the Cardinals to elect. There is a lesson to be learnt when the Lord allows unsuitable men to don the mantle of Peter. Maybe it would be …More
One gets the distinct sense that Gloria TV in not enamoured of, or impressed with, this new Pope. It would us all well to remember that while we have had the Borgias and the Di Medici Popes, and the disastrous Papacies of them all, it is the Holy Spirit who moves the Cardinals to elect. There is a lesson to be learnt when the Lord allows unsuitable men to don the mantle of Peter. Maybe it would be better to discern this, rather than seek to be so consistently negative of Francis 1st. 🙂
NOTIZIE ATTUALI di Gloria.tv Germania
Hanno appena chiuso i Studi per i franciscani dell immaculata! Per un anno non ci saranno Consacrazioni e coloro che poi vogliono essere consacrati (o ordinati come sacerdoti?) devono firmare che accettano non solo il secondo concilio Vaticano ma anche di vedere la Messa del Novus Ordo come "vera espressione" della tradizione Liturgica della Chiesa! CARISSIMI …More
NOTIZIE ATTUALI di Gloria.tv Germania
Hanno appena chiuso i Studi per i franciscani dell immaculata! Per un anno non ci saranno Consacrazioni e coloro che poi vogliono essere consacrati (o ordinati come sacerdoti?) devono firmare che accettano non solo il secondo concilio Vaticano ma anche di vedere la Messa del Novus Ordo come "vera espressione" della tradizione Liturgica della Chiesa! CARISSIMI FRATELLI FRANCISCANI DELL'IMMACULATA, PERFAVORE NON FIRMATE QUESTO FOGLIO!!! PENSATE A SANTA GIOVANNA D'ARC, LEI EBBE FATTO ANCHE UNA FIRMA, PERCHÉ LA "CHIESA" (quel Vescovo) VOLETTE LA FIRMA! LEI DOVETTE FIRMARE UNA NON VERITÁ E LO FECE, MA POI SENE PENTÍ E RITIRO LA FIRMA. DOPO DI CIÓ LE APPARVE LA MADONNA E LE DISSE CHE ERA BUONO DI AVERLA RITIRATA, PERCHÉ QUELLA BUGIA, QUELLA FIRMA, LE AVREBBE COSTATO L'ANIMA E LEI SAREBBE DANNATA! UNA FIRMA, UN ACCETTARE DI UNA COSA NON VERAMENTE GIUSTA COSTA L'ANIMA! NON FIRMATE, LA MESSA NUOVA NON É ESPRESSIONE DELLA LITURGIA TRADIZIONALE, ANCHE UN CIECO LO SA!!! Se dicono che sia una messa nuova, si che lo si puó ammettere e firmare, ma a dire che sia Espressione della Messa tradizionale? È una mensogna. Questi Modernisti costringono i Tradiyionali con ció di lasciare questa Barca che non é quella di Pietro ma una titanic verso gli Abbissi. Meglio andar nel deserto che far compromessi, dire bugie, far male al Signore e perdere L'anima. La Chiesa ci insegna che: LA META NON SANTIFICA I MEZZI! Erono i Comunisti che dicevono che la Meta la santifichi, ma la Chiesa e Cristo che È LA VERITÁ, dicono NO!
Perfavore NON PECCATE!
Quí il testo tedesco di Gloria.tv tedesco.

Wer danach geweiht werden will muss schriftlich bestätigen, die Dokumente des Zweiten Vatikanums und die neue Messe als wahren Ausdruck der liturgischen Tradition der Kirche anzuerkennen.