Rieti: la strana storia della suora che partorisce a sua insaputa. by Luigi Diprospero on Jan 17, 2014Altro
Rieti: la strana storia della suora che partorisce a sua insaputa.
by Luigi Diprospero on Jan 17, 2014
She was unaware that she had sex? I do not understand.
Malleus Hæreticorum
Ma poi che razza di nome! Roxana!Ma perché non Moana, Ilona o in futuro Luxuria?
Per non parlare delle dichiarazioni irriverenti (10 Maggio 2013) di Bergoglio verso le suore in generale....
Non è la prima volta… ma leggendo le dichiarazioni della diretta interessata o delle persone vicine a lei, ti rendi conto dei frutti dell’apostasia modernista e conciliare...
Roxana Rodriguez, the 33-year-old woman, a nun with the order of the Little Disciples of Jesus, stunned her mother superior and local church chiefs after giving birth last week to a baby boy which she has called Francis, in honour of the current Pope.
Sister Roxana initially claimed to have no idea that she was pregnant and thought her labour pains were 'stomach cramps' when an ambulance rushed her …Altro
Roxana Rodriguez, the 33-year-old woman, a nun with the order of the Little Disciples of Jesus, stunned her mother superior and local church chiefs after giving birth last week to a baby boy which she has called Francis, in honour of the current Pope.
Sister Roxana initially claimed to have no idea that she was pregnant and thought her labour pains were 'stomach cramps' when an ambulance rushed her to hospital in severe pain after being called by fellow nuns when she collapsed at her nunnery.
The nun had only arrived in Italy last summer at the nunnery in Rieti and has told officials that the father is a man from her native El Salvador but she has so far not named him.
Father Benedetto Falcetti, priest at the nearby St Michael's church in Rieti, said: 'It all happened last spring, around March or April time when she was back in El Salvador to get her passport renewed.

'She has not said who the father is but I understand he is an, shall we say, old flame of hers from when she was younger. At some stage I expect she will tell the father that he has a son and they will be reunited but I don't know when that will be.'

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Farebbe bene a confessare ed a confessarsi
Malleus Hæreticorum
Que pena.
Monja salvadoreña da a luz y asegura que desconocía el embarazo
ROMA, 17 de enero.- Una monja de El Salvador que se quejaba de fuertes dolores abdominales fue internada en un hospital de la ciudad de Rieti, donde dio a luz a un varón de 3.5 kilogramos de peso, informaron medios locales.
Dijeron que la religiosa y las monjas que la acompañaron al nosocomio se quedaron sorprendidas al …Altro
Monja salvadoreña da a luz y asegura que desconocía el embarazo

ROMA, 17 de enero.- Una monja de El Salvador que se quejaba de fuertes dolores abdominales fue internada en un hospital de la ciudad de Rieti, donde dio a luz a un varón de 3.5 kilogramos de peso, informaron medios locales.
Dijeron que la religiosa y las monjas que la acompañaron al nosocomio se quedaron sorprendidas al constatar que los dolores se debían a que había iniciado el trabajo de parto.
La religiosa tuvo un varón de 3.5 kilogramos
De 31 años, la salvadoreña fue socorrrida por los médicos del servicio de emergencia en el convento de Campomoro, donde Las Pequeñas Discípulas de Jesús administran un asilo para ancianos.
De acuerdo con medios locales, la ambulancia fue llamada por las otras monjas del convento, alarmadas por los intensos dolores de su compañera.
Al llegar al lugar, los médicos examinaron a la paciente y le informaron que estaba por dar a luz, mientras ella repetía que ello “no era posible”, pues era “una religiosa”.
Trasladada al hospital, la paciente fue sometida a una ecografía que confirmó que la masa que decía sentir en el abdomen era un bebé, que nació la madrugada del miércoles.
De acuerdo con la dirección sanitaria del hospital de Rieti, la monja y el recién nacido, que recibió el nombre de Francisco (en honor del Papa), estaban en “buenas condiciones de salud”.
No nos dimos cuenta de nada. No supo resistir a las tentaciones, aunque no ha hecho mal a nadie”, declaró Sor Erminia, la madre superiora del convento, que pidió a la prensa no dar tanta atención al caso.
Por su parte, el obispo de Rieti, Delio Lucarelli, también se declaró sorprendido y manifestó que será mejor que la religiosa abandone los hábitos pues no cumplió con el voto de castidad.
A nun who gave birth to a baby boy in the central Italian city of Rieti, said she had no idea she was pregnant, local media report.
The 31-year-old was rushed to hospital with abdominal pains, which she thought were stomach cramps.
The young mother, who is originally from El Salvador, reportedly named her newborn Francis after the current Pope.
The mayor of Rieti, Simone Petrangeli has appealed to …Altro
A nun who gave birth to a baby boy in the central Italian city of Rieti, said she had no idea she was pregnant, local media report.
The 31-year-old was rushed to hospital with abdominal pains, which she thought were stomach cramps.
The young mother, who is originally from El Salvador, reportedly named her newborn Francis after the current Pope.
The mayor of Rieti, Simone Petrangeli has appealed to the public and media to respect the woman's privacy.
The news has drawn international attention to the small city of 47,700 inhabitants.
The nun called the ambulance on Wednesday morning. A few hours later she gave birth to a healthy baby boy.
"I did not know I was pregnant. I only felt a stomach pain," she was quoted as saying by the Ansa news agency.
People at the hospital have begun collecting clothes and donations for the mother and her child, Italian media say.
The woman belongs to a convent near Rieti, which manages an old people's home.
Fellow nuns at the convent said they were "surprised" by the news.
Local pastor Don Fabrizio Borrello told journalists that the nun planned to take care of the baby.
"I guess she's telling the truth when she says she arrived at the hospital unaware of the pregnancy."
Un altro commento da Irapuato
Rieti: la strana storia della suora che partorisce a sua insaputa
LA STORIA – La donna, 32 anni, di un convento cittadino e di origini ecuadoregne, sarebbe arrivata al Pronto soccorso del De Lellis accusando forti dolori all’addome. A darne segnalazione due consorelle che hanno allertato il 118. Stando a quanto riporta la cronaca locale la suora, al suo arrivo in ambulanza, non sapeva fornire …Altro
Rieti: la strana storia della suora che partorisce a sua insaputa
LA STORIA – La donna, 32 anni, di un convento cittadino e di origini ecuadoregne, sarebbe arrivata al Pronto soccorso del De Lellis accusando forti dolori all’addome. A darne segnalazione due consorelle che hanno allertato il 118. Stando a quanto riporta la cronaca locale la suora, al suo arrivo in ambulanza, non sapeva fornire precise spiegazioni sulle cause dei forti dolori all’addome. Secondo il Corriere di Rieti la donna ha atteso poco tempo sotto il codice giallo. Sono seguite subito dopo visita ed ecografia che hanno rivelato tutto: la donna era incinta, al nono mese e in procinto di partorire. La religiosa sembra aver portato in grembo il piccolo senza accorgersi di nulla. Eppure avrebbe dato alla luce un maschietto di 3 chili e 500 grammi. La notizia della speciale neomamma avrebbe fatto il giro dei corridoi del nosocomio per poi diffondersi in rete, nonostante “la riservatezza del personale e delle sue consorelle”. Sarà, ma facendo una ricerca cronologica sia su Twitter che su Facebook, non si riescono a trovare in rete frasi ed aneddoti pubblici che raccontino la simpatica storiella prima dell’uscita sui giornali.…/rieti-la-strana…