Catholic College to Host Impure Drag Show -- Everyone please protest now

Unfortunately, the "smoke of Satan" is spreading.

This time Catholic Le Moyne College in Syracuse, New York, is planning a "drag show" on March 10 that flatly undermines moral values.

The lewd event is promoted on the college's web site as a...

"fun event for everyone! Learn about drag culture ettiquet [sic], enter prize raffles, and dance!"

But the rock-solid truth is this:

The Rainbow Revolution's impurity doesn't belong in Catholic education.

That's why I invite you to join me -- right now -- in respectfully urging the president of Le Moyne College to put the kibosh on this unseemly spectacle.

So please sign your urgent & peaceful protest here without delay

I know your protest will make a difference. It will let college leaders know that students don't want unnatural vice flaunted on Catholic campuses.

Most importantly, your petition will console the Sacred Heart of Jesus and the Immaculate Heart of Mary Who are already so much offended by sin.

More details here...
Immaculate heart
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