Libor Halik
Temple of Antichrist in Jerusalem. Probably zionists need to destroy a main mosque in Jerusalem. They prepare to build there a jewish temple of Solomon, which was destroyed by Romans in 70 AD. The …More
Temple of Antichrist in Jerusalem.
Probably zionists need to destroy a main mosque in Jerusalem. They prepare to build there a jewish temple of Solomon, which was destroyed by Romans in 70 AD. The Antichrist will sit there according the prophecy of saint apostle Paul (2 Thessalonians 2,4). But it is very sad if protestant christians mainly from USA prepare the way for a rule of Antichrist when they help to destroy all islam countries through USA and NATO armies. Zionists probably think that if all islam coutries will be destroyed and occupied then it will be easy to destroy the main mosque in Jerusalem.
The emperor Julian the Apostate put his attack on Christian ideology into practice by attempting to reconstruct the Jewish Temple at Jerusalem, which had been destroyed by the emperor Titus in A.D. 70. Christians saw the destruction of the Temple as key event fulfilling prophecy that invalidated ancient Jewish Law and validated the New Testament. In …More
Why the Temple of Antichrist?
Možno si židia budú myslieť, že prišiel BOH v plnej jeho moci a sile a s bohatstvom ako kráľ ako to oni očakávajú a padnú do pasce. Moc bude mať vďaka diablovi, jeho kráľovstvo bude NWO a my budeme trpieť. Tá história sa musí stále opakovať, to je smola:)
Ste si istý, že to musí byť práve v Jeruzaleme a prečo? A už sa to stavia, stihnú to postaviť?Ako viete kedy povolia stavať tento chrám,kto to dovolí...TO by museli Izrael zničiť vojaci alebo kto. Neviem,nemám informácie. Dajte nejaké info ak viete. VĎaka.