Gloria.TV News on the 28th of April 2014 Unlikely: Conservative Ross Douthat commented on Pope Francis’ phone call with an Argentinean woman to which he allegedly gave permission to live in adultery.…More
Gloria.TV News on the 28th of April 2014

Unlikely: Conservative Ross Douthat commented on Pope Francis’ phone call with an Argentinean woman to which he allegedly gave permission to live in adultery. The Vatican press office later stated that Pope Francis’ words are nobody’s business except for the woman herself. Douthat writes: “This formulation may be technically correct, but it’s also a little bit absurd. Even in ‘private’ conversation, the pope is, well, the pope, and this pontiff in particular is no naïf about either the media or human nature. Whatever was actually said, the idea that it never occurred to Francis that a pastoral call on such a fraught subject might get media attention seems ... unlikely.”

Late-Soviet scenario: According to Douthat the Pope’s phone call and the coverage of it suggest two obvious perils. Quote: "One is what you might call the late-Soviet scenario, in which Catholic doctrine is officially unaltered, but the impression grows that even the pope doesn’t really believe these things, and that when the Church’s leaders affirm a controversial position they’re going through the ideological motions — like Brezhnev-era apparatchiks — and not actually trying to teach a living faith.”

Dashed-expectations: The second scenario is according to Douthat the dashed-expectations scenario, in which the assumption that a Church teaching is about to change creates widespread disaffection when it doesn’t. Quote: “This happened with contraception in the 1960s, and it could easily happen with divorce and remarriage under Francis.”

Schism Scenario: Douthat mulls a third perilous scenario – quote: “Francis could actually be considering a truly major shift on remarriage and communion, in which the annulment requirement is dispensed with and (perhaps) a temporary penance is substituted.” Such a shift – according to Douthat - wouldn’t just provoke conservative grumbling but threaten outright schism. Quote: “The Church has famous martyrs to the indissolubility of Christian marriage, and its teaching on divorce and adultery is grounded not just in tradition or natural law, but in the explicit words of Jesus of Nazareth.”
Yugo and one more user link to this post
"It is true that "temperance" is used in our days/Church to condone sin." 🥴
The Roman Catholic church does NOT use "Temperance" to condone sin! Did you mean the church or some people in the church. 🤨
Temperance is an important virtue we all must have. 😌More
"It is true that "temperance" is used in our days/Church to condone sin." 🥴

The Roman Catholic church does NOT use "Temperance" to condone sin! Did you mean the church or some people in the church. 🤨

Temperance is an important virtue we all must have. 😌
Holy Cannoli
Why is it that you seldom have an original thought? You quote from scripture, you quote from the saints and here you quote from a priest but nothing originating from you. Why is that?
Are you capable of contributing anything of substance from your own thoughts on the threads in which you post?
On this thread, adeste fideles wrote:
ONLY those with the real holy spirit [sic] inside of …More

Why is it that you seldom have an original thought? You quote from scripture, you quote from the saints and here you quote from a priest but nothing originating from you. Why is that?

Are you capable of contributing anything of substance from your own thoughts on the threads in which you post?

On this thread, adeste fideles wrote:
ONLY those with the real holy spirit [sic] inside of them, will see this man for who he is

You gave Adeste Fideles 👍 which clearly means that you agree with the content of his posting.

Perhaps both of you have the “real holy spirit [sic]”inside of you?

If so, who is “this man” that adeste fideles writes about and for which you congratulated him? Is "this man" that adeste fideles wrote about Pope Francis or is it someone else?

If Pope Francis is not the visible head of the Catholic Church, who do you say he really is?

P Juan Rivas Lc
el relajo y la confusión estan a la puerta
24 de abril de 2014 a la(s) 6:39
Uds deben saber porqué. abril 24 2014
Les deseo suerte pero recuerden que les previne a todos: "El año de la fe lo convocó el Papa Benedicto para reforzarnos en la fe, si lo hacemos,nada de lo que venga nos hará tambalear". Recuerden que hay tres cosas que nadie, ni siquiera el Papa puede cambiar.... Estas …More
P Juan Rivas Lc
el relajo y la confusión estan a la puerta
24 de abril de 2014 a la(s) 6:39
Uds deben saber porqué. abril 24 2014
Les deseo suerte pero recuerden que les previne a todos: "El año de la fe lo convocó el Papa Benedicto para reforzarnos en la fe, si lo hacemos,nada de lo que venga nos hará tambalear". Recuerden que hay tres cosas que nadie, ni siquiera el Papa puede cambiar.... Estas son las tres cosas que nadie puede cambiar en la Iglesia:
1.Los 10 mandamientos, son 10 para todos para los sacerdotes, para los obispos, los niños, los gais, los divorciados, las lesbianas etc. etc.
2. Nadie puede quitar ni añadir una sola palabra a la Biblia. El mismo Cristo amenaza con borrar del libro de la vida al que añada o quite una sola palabra.
3. El depositum fidei. La vid verdadera no puede ser arrancada de suraíz, la herencia de la fe de los apóstoles y expresada en el Catecismo de laIglesia Católica.
Dicho esto voy a callar Ud. son ahora responsables y no me Deben preguntar a mí lo que es correcto o no ya lo saben.
Si nos agarramos de María y rezamos el rosario no debemos temer nada.
👍 Adeste fideles 27/04/2014 21:54:37
Priest Juan Rivas
posted on a social network on April 24, 2014 at 9:39am:
👍 The mess and confusion are at the door:
".....Remember that there are three things that no one, not even a Pope can change.... These are the three things that nobody can change in the Church:
1.The 10 commandments, are 10 for all, to the priests, bishops, children, gays, divorced,…More
👍 Adeste fideles 27/04/2014 21:54:37
Priest Juan Rivas
posted on a social network on April 24, 2014 at 9:39am:
👍 The mess and confusion are at the door:
".....Remember that there are three things that no one, not even a Pope can change.... These are the three things that nobody can change in the Church:

1.The 10 commandments, are 10 for all, to the priests, bishops, children, gays, divorced, lesbians etc.. etc.

2. No one can remove or add a word to the Bible. Christ himself threatens to erase from the book of life when you add or remove a word.

3. The deposit of faith. The True Vine can not be severed from its root, the heritage of the faith of the apostles and expressed in the Catechism of the Catholic Church. 👍
Holy Cannoli
adeste fideles writes:
ONLY those with the real holy spirit [sic] inside of them, will see this man for who he is

Are you one of those with the "real holy spirit [sic]" inside?
And, are you referring to Pope Francis as "this man"?
I view "this man" (the Pope) as the visible head of the the Roman Catholic Church that has over 1 billion members.
If I am mistaken, why don't you tell those of us who …More
adeste fideles writes:

ONLY those with the real holy spirit [sic] inside of them, will see this man for who he is

Are you one of those with the "real holy spirit [sic]" inside?

And, are you referring to Pope Francis as "this man"?

I view "this man" (the Pope) as the visible head of the the Roman Catholic Church that has over 1 billion members.

If I am mistaken, why don't you tell those of us who may not have the "real holy spirit [sic]" inside, who this man (Pope Francis) really is?

adeste fideles
✍️ ONLY those with the real holy spirit inside of them, will see this man for who he is
A Time Predicted by the Enemies of the Church

"In a hundred years time . . .bishops and priests will think they are marching behind the banner of the keys of Peter when in fact they will be following our flag . . . The reforms will have to be brought about in the name of obedience." Alta Vendita\masonic document 🤨
J.M. Jourdan
In his 1908 book, Ecumenism, it states: “The …More

A Time Predicted by the Enemies of the Church

"In a hundred years time . . .bishops and priests will think they are marching behind the banner of the keys of Peter when in fact they will be following our flag . . . The reforms will have to be brought about in the name of obedience." Alta Vendita\masonic document 🤨

J.M. Jourdan
In his 1908 book, Ecumenism, it states: “The goal is no longer the destruction of the Church but rather to make use of it by infiltrating it.” Bishop Graber, “Saint Athanasius”, pp. 64-65.
On April 3, 1844, a leader of an Italian secret society called Nubius wrote a letter to another highly-placed mason.
The letter spoke about the plan to infiltrate the Roman Catholic Church, and the attempt to insert a Masonic pope, who would promote the religion of Freemasonry from the Chair of Peter. "Now then, in order to ensure a pope in the required proportions, we must first of all prepare a generation worthy of the kingdom of which we dream . . . Let the clergy move forward under your banner (the Masonic banner) always believing they are advancing under the banner of the Apostolic Keys. Cast your net like Simon Bar Jonas, spread it to the bottom of sacristies, seminaries, and convents. You will have finished a revolution dressed in the Pope's triple crown and cape, carrying the cross and the flag, a revolution that will need only a small stimulus to set fire to the four corners of the earth."
adeste fideles
Nunca ha habido un momento en que prácticamente en todos los niveles de la Iglesia, la apostasía es fomentada, protegida, permitida, y ni siquiera condenada. Todo esto significa una cosa para mí: Esto no significa el final de la Iglesia; significa el final de la estructura de la Iglesia tal como la conocemos.
( ✍️ la fuente original está publicada en rojo, no se pudo cambiar el color, …More
Nunca ha habido un momento en que prácticamente en todos los niveles de la Iglesia, la apostasía es fomentada, protegida, permitida, y ni siquiera condenada. Todo esto significa una cosa para mí: Esto no significa el final de la Iglesia; significa el final de la estructura de la Iglesia tal como la conocemos.


( ✍️ la fuente original está publicada en rojo, no se pudo cambiar el color, favor de disculpar)
It is true that "temperance" is used in our days/Church to condone sin. However, according to CCC 1809 "temperance" is something else:
Temperance is the moral virtue that:
1. moderates the attraction of pleasures
2. provides balance in the use of created goods.
cf. www.catholic-catechism.comMore
It is true that "temperance" is used in our days/Church to condone sin. However, according to CCC 1809 "temperance" is something else:

Temperance is the moral virtue that:
1. moderates the attraction of pleasures
2. provides balance in the use of created goods.

cf. www.catholic-catechism.com
adeste fideles
Priest Juan Rivas
posted on a social network :
".....Remember that there are three things that no one, not even the Pope can change.... These are the three things that nobody can change in the Church:
1.The 10 commandments, are 10 for all, to the priests, bishops, children, gays, divorced, lesbians etc.. etc.
2. No one can remove or add a word to the Bible. Christ himself threatens to erase …More
Priest Juan Rivas
posted on a social network :
".....Remember that there are three things that no one, not even the Pope can change.... These are the three things that nobody can change in the Church:

1.The 10 commandments, are 10 for all, to the priests, bishops, children, gays, divorced, lesbians etc.. etc.

2. No one can remove or add a word to the Bible. Christ himself threatens to erase the book of life when you add or remove a word.

3. The deposit of faith. The True Vine can not be severed from its root, the heritage of the faith of the apostles and expressed in the Catechism of the Catholic Church. "
adeste fideles
😇 Thanks Gloria Tv
It is a really important problem for our faith and it does not have to be ignored, can to give raise to a great Schism.
Temperace 🙏 🙏
"Be not afread", Jesus I trust in You! 👍 🤗More
Temperace 🙏 🙏

"Be not afread", Jesus I trust in You! 👍 🤗
Thanks for the news.
I suspect this scenario will repeat several times.
Testing the waters, as it were. Whether the conversation took place or not: Rome`s {read Pope and Bishops} silence on the subject is suspect, considering all the noise on the upcoming synod.
To clarify the expression suspect, you may if you wish replace it with : Intentional..There- go Testing the waters, or maybe preparing the …More
Thanks for the news.
I suspect this scenario will repeat several times.
Testing the waters, as it were. Whether the conversation took place or not: Rome`s {read Pope and Bishops} silence on the subject is suspect, considering all the noise on the upcoming synod.
To clarify the expression suspect, you may if you wish replace it with : Intentional..There- go Testing the waters, or maybe preparing the field.

I do not consider the 3 scenarios following the paragraph UNLIKELY ; unreasonable to conjecture, or disrespectful considering the rollercoaster ride of this 1st year with POPE FRANCIS reigning in the Seat of Peter.

Holy Mary Mother of God : Pray for us
Holy Family: Pray for the family here on Earth
Holy Ghost: Have Mercy on us
Wow, This phone call by Pope Francis is getting out of control!
First time in years that I have seen gloriatv have an entire news episode devoted to one thing! Shows how important this issue is.
I pray the Holy Ghost takes over this. It is getting out of hand, and I am confused. I am not going to let in rock my faith though, like I have seen it do to others. "Be not afread", Jesus I trust in You!More
Wow, This phone call by Pope Francis is getting out of control!

First time in years that I have seen gloriatv have an entire news episode devoted to one thing! Shows how important this issue is.

I pray the Holy Ghost takes over this. It is getting out of hand, and I am confused. I am not going to let in rock my faith though, like I have seen it do to others. "Be not afread", Jesus I trust in You!