Blessed Montfort Scott

Also known as

  • Montford



Seminarian at Douai College in France beginning in 1574. As a sub-deacon he returned to England in 1575, was arrested, interrogated by civil and ecclesiastical authorities, and then released. Scott returned to Douai on 22 May 1577, was ordained in Brussels, Belgium, and then returned to England to minister to covert Catholics. He worked in Kent, Norfolk, Suffolk, Lincolnshire and Yorkshire. Captured at York in 1584 for the crime of priesthood, and then imprisoned in London for seven years. A gentleman named Baker paid a ransom or bribe (records vary) to have Father Scott released, but he was immediately re-arrested. He finally went to trial for the crime of priesthood, was condemned and sentenced to death. Martyr.





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MLA Citation

  • “Blessed Montfort Scott“. CatholicSaints.Info. 11 January 2022. Web. 17 May 2024. <>