Blessed Tobias Francisco Borrás Román

Blessed Tobias Francisco Borrás RománAlso known as

  • Francisco Borrás Romeu
  • Tobias Borrás Román
  • Tobias Borrás Romeu



Married in 1884 at age 23, he became a widower when his wife died in the cholera epidemic of 18851886. He joined the religious in the Hospitallers of Saint John of God in 1887. He served in Hospitaller communities in the Spanish cities of Ciempozuelos, Zaragoza, Carabanche Alto and Granada where his superiors noted his generous spirit and willingness to work.

As part of the antiCatholic persecutions of the Spanish Civil War, Brother Tobias was imprisoned in Ciempozuelos and then transferred to San Antón in Madrid, Spain. Due to his age and failing health, he was eventually released. He travelled to Valencia, Spain, planning to joined up with the Malvarrosa Hospitallers community – unaware that they had all already been murdered. He knocked on the door their house, was recognized by the militia as another Hospitaller, and shot down. Martyr.





MLA Citation

  • “Blessed Tobias Francisco Borrás Román“. CatholicSaints.Info. 22 May 2022. Web. 7 May 2024. <>