Anti-Catholic representations. Lost of dignity to the Catholic Church.More
Anti-Catholic representations.
Lost of dignity to the Catholic Church.
Their hatred to our Lord's Church is so deep that the only thing in their heart is jealousy, pride, and hatred. Others I know which are an anti Catholics also believe that all religions are not true and only their believe are the truth.
Poor them. They are in my prayers too. 😇
Dämonen in der Kirche...
When people see this modern ugliness in their Churches, do they not wonder too about the modern mass? Do they not contemplate these modern changes and see what they truly are and where they come from? We must ask ourselves that and we must educate one another about these abuses. And the abuses taking place in the modern mass...This is why we can be sure of giving all glory and honor to our Lord …More
When people see this modern ugliness in their Churches, do they not wonder too about the modern mass? Do they not contemplate these modern changes and see what they truly are and where they come from? We must ask ourselves that and we must educate one another about these abuses. And the abuses taking place in the modern mass...This is why we can be sure of giving all glory and honor to our Lord assisting at the traditional Latin Mass, where there is no room for abuse. But only beauty and reverence.
Michel-René Landry
Jesus Christ has been crusified on the cross on the mont of Calvary for us. So the cross has to be proprely shown in the sanctuary where the mass is. It is not a theatre. It is the sacrefice of Jesus on the cross that happen during the mass on a unbloody mater.
unio oratiónem
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Jesus Christ has been crusified on the cross on the mont of Calvary for us. So the cross has to be proprely shown in the sanctuary where the mass is. It is not a theatre. It is the sacrefice of Jesus on the cross that happen during the mass on a unbloody mater.

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deo gratias!!
Michel-René Landry
Is their any one that can translat in German what i'm going to right?
" The art that are in the Church has to have a dignity and a clear definition. The truth is clear. God is clear. So the art has to be with clear represatation and with dignity. Their has been a wave of "Free for all" in the church. And it is not proper to what god want. Our filings and God will, are not the same thing. I'm sorry …More
Is their any one that can translat in German what i'm going to right?
" The art that are in the Church has to have a dignity and a clear definition. The truth is clear. God is clear. So the art has to be with clear represatation and with dignity. Their has been a wave of "Free for all" in the church. And it is not proper to what god want. Our filings and God will, are not the same thing. I'm sorry for the direct truth. But that "Free for all" has to stop completely."

unio oratiónem
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deo gratias!!
Profanations,blasphèmes,souillures,rien n'épargne,pas même l'église, l'Image de Notre Seigneur... Le pire c'est que refuser celà, nous fait passer pour des intégristes rétrogrades ! Hé bien,soit !
Michel-René Landry
I will not tolerate people that have something against a nother people on this site. If you have something to say to them, talk to them in person. Comment on the video! Please! Thank you!
Merci Michel vous avez raison. "Pénitence!, pénitence!, pénitence!" criait l'Archange Saint Michel à Fatima 🙏
Michel-René Landry
Je ne tolérerais point les gens qui sont contre d'autre gens sur ce site. Si vous avez de quoi a leur dire, parler leur en personne. Et commanter sur la video. S.V.P! Merci!
Michel-René Landry
La raison a laquelle je propage s'est video, est pour montrer la réalitée des dommages qui a eu dans l'église. Je ne met pas s'est vidéo pour pointé du doit a tel et tel personne.
Je suis Catholique et je suis responsable de la sainte église Catholique. Et s'est la même chose pour tout les Catholique. Qu'est ce qu'on fait pour notre église?
S'est très facile de détruire une édifice, mais de …More
La raison a laquelle je propage s'est video, est pour montrer la réalitée des dommages qui a eu dans l'église. Je ne met pas s'est vidéo pour pointé du doit a tel et tel personne.
Je suis Catholique et je suis responsable de la sainte église Catholique. Et s'est la même chose pour tout les Catholique. Qu'est ce qu'on fait pour notre église?

S'est très facile de détruire une édifice, mais de la rebâtir, sa prend le temp qu'il faut avec patience. Nous ne pouvons avoir du jour au lendemain tout restauré.
Ce qui s'est produit dans l'église nous montre que nous ne pouvons rien fair sans Dieu. Dieu seul est notre pillier.
S'est poirquoi il faut prier et pratiquer les vertus.
Comment un aveugl peut il aidé un autre aveugl?

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Troisième secret
C'est une véritable mascarade. Mais que dire de la croix tordue utilisée par les derniers pontifs...
Les exemples sont innombrables et j'en ai même trouvé au St Sépulcre dans la partie tenue par les franciscains. Les exemples sont...légions
Tristesse, consternation, colère, dégoût... 🤮
Michel-René Landry
tbswv Thanks for your comment. That is exactly why i'm posting this series of videos. But don't worry. At the end of the series, it will be a full joy to see the resurection of the Catholic church.
Its really easy to destroy a building, but to rebuild it again, it tack time.
The reality is their has been alot of damage insid the Church and out. Those thing happen to show us as Catholic that they is …More
tbswv Thanks for your comment. That is exactly why i'm posting this series of videos. But don't worry. At the end of the series, it will be a full joy to see the resurection of the Catholic church.
Its really easy to destroy a building, but to rebuild it again, it tack time.
The reality is their has been alot of damage insid the Church and out. Those thing happen to show us as Catholic that they is nothing that we can do without God.
I'm Catholic and i am responsible of the Catholic church. And that is the same for all Catholic. The question is " What do we do to restore the Catholic church?"

And i'm not putting this videos to point finger at one persone or another. I'm putting this videos to tell the reality of our weakness.

unio oratiónem, unio orationem, unio orationem
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At Pope Paul vi hall in Rome. Check out the Hideous sculpture of Christ. Frightening.
At Pope Paul vi hall in Rome. Check out the Hideous sculpture of Christ. Frightening.

Spina Christi
D'autres "représentations anti-catholiques" ?
Disons plutôt d'autres manifestations antichrist tolérées encouragée par (-une certaine-) l'Église :
- Poulets "vaudous" décapités sur l'Autel de Sainte Claire
- Statue de bouddha posée sur l'Autel (à la place de la Croix du Seigneur, "virée" pour l'occasion) dans l’Église Saint Pierre
- Chants islamiques dans l’Église "de la Résurrection" (niée …More
D'autres "représentations anti-catholiques" ?

Disons plutôt d'autres manifestations antichrist tolérées encouragée par (-une certaine-) l'Église :

- Poulets "vaudous" décapités sur l'Autel de Sainte Claire
- Statue de bouddha posée sur l'Autel (à la place de la Croix du Seigneur, "virée" pour l'occasion) dans l’Église Saint Pierre
- Chants islamiques dans l’Église "de la Résurrection" (niée par l'islam !)

Seigneur, prend pitié de nous !
Not even the Roman pagans adorned their "altars" with hideous figures such as these. These artist renditions mock our Blessed Lord. The world will hate you because it hated me. These are not Catholic Churches but temples to Satan. Thanks for this eye opener. BTW: if you enter into a Catholic Church and our Lord is not front and center in the Most Blessed Sacrament, Flee!
Das ist Verhöhnung alles Heiligen, Satanskunst pur!
Nicht zu vergessen, dieses Schmuckstück im Wiener Stephansdom:
Dämon im Stephansdom
(Vienna cathedral) 😡 😡 😡More
Nicht zu vergessen, dieses Schmuckstück im Wiener Stephansdom:

Dämon im Stephansdom

(Vienna cathedral) 😡 😡 😡
Michel-René Landry
Tipping Point
If you did't see the Tipping point: / Si vous n'avez vue Tipping point:
unio oratiónem / Union of prayer/ Union de prière
una voce dicentes... / One voice.... / D'une seul voix
deo gratias! / Laus tibi Christe!More
Tipping Point
If you did't see the Tipping point: / Si vous n'avez vue Tipping point:

unio oratiónem / Union of prayer/ Union de prière
una voce dicentes... / One voice.... / D'une seul voix
deo gratias! / Laus tibi Christe!