Last Supper as a homosexual orgie. Until May 10th, the Dommuseum in Vienna, located next to the cathedral and belonging to the archdiocese of Vienna, shows an exhibition with works of Vienna sculptor …More
Last Supper as a homosexual orgie.
Until May 10th, the Dommuseum in Vienna, located next to the cathedral and belonging to the archdiocese of Vienna, shows an exhibition with works of Vienna sculptor and painter Alfred Hrdlicka.
Holy Cannoli
>>>-this is holy or good in your mind?
That's a strawman argument. Look it up.
Would you prefer if the Gospels were sanitized to remove the Passion and death of Christ?
Should Gibson's movie have never been produced?
Should all mention of the barbarism that has taken place in the 20 century (Stalin, Mao, Pol pot, Hitler) be summarily removed from history books?
Should …More
>>>-this is holy or good in your mind?

That's a strawman argument. Look it up.

Would you prefer if the Gospels were sanitized to remove the Passion and death of Christ?

Should Gibson's movie have never been produced?

Should all mention of the barbarism that has taken place in the 20 century (Stalin, Mao, Pol pot, Hitler) be summarily removed from history books?

Should the hisory of the U.S. which includes slavery, the KKK, lynchings etc. be purged as well?

I am much more outraged by the manner in which communicants receive the Eucharist and the disrespect shown after receiving than I am by this painting as outrageous as it is. Add to that, that the disrespect continues every day around the world and even at Papal masses.
Look, you wrote a few days ago that you were married. Spend more time with your wife. Take her to dinner, maybe a romantic movie, hold hands and relax. You're too uptight, Trady. Everyday is a new day but its just another day to do battle for you.

holyrope 3
Trady, you are right is Horrible!
🤨 Trady, I have tried my best to report things to
(I wish they had a weeping nun icon...)
😌 😇
Holy Cannoli
Sorry, mi amor. We Romans can be a bit volatile at times.
😘 😘 😘More
Sorry, mi amor. We Romans can be a bit volatile at times.

😘 😘 😘
I wasn't referring to you ☕
Holy Cannoli
It never ceases to amaze me what some men enjoy looking at.
What amazes me is the naiveté (read:stupidity) of some people.
Other than YOU, who said anything about enjoyment?
I am disgusted by this painting as much as anyone. However, to pretend that it was not (in 2008) in a public display at a museum associated with a Catholic Church is self- defeating. It was there and it was removed as the …More
It never ceases to amaze me what some men enjoy looking at.

What amazes me is the naiveté (read:stupidity) of some people.

Other than YOU, who said anything about enjoyment?

I am disgusted by this painting as much as anyone. However, to pretend that it was not (in 2008) in a public display at a museum associated with a Catholic Church is self- defeating. It was there and it was removed as the direct result of worldwide outrage.

🙄 It never ceases to amaze me what some men enjoy looking at.... 🤮
Holy Cannoli
Sorry, No!
The painter, Austrian artist Alfred Hrdlicka who died in December of 2009, is described as a communist and atheist. This painting appeared in Vienna in 2008 at the Cathedral museum “attached to the Catholic Church.”
In the United States, conservative columnist Rod Dreher wrote on his widely read religion blog "I wouldn’t have …More
Sorry, No!

The painter, Austrian artist Alfred Hrdlicka who died in December of 2009, is described as a communist and atheist. This painting appeared in Vienna in 2008 at the Cathedral museum “attached to the Catholic Church.”

In the United States, conservative columnist Rod Dreher wrote on his widely read religion blog "I wouldn’t have guessed that, given his reputation, a man like (Cardinal) Schoenborn would have stood for this abomination for half a second."

Worldwide outrage was unprecedented. As a result the museum took down the Last Supper piece at Cardinal Schoenborn’s request just over a week after the ‘Religion, Flesh and Power’ exhibition opened, leaving a blank black wall at the entrance to the display.
I'd like to ask some of's self appointed censors to tell me if they think that Cardinal Schoenborn would have demanded that the painting be removed so quickly if there were no worldwide outrage? If this blasphemy was not circulated via the internet and if it were NOT made known to an outraged Catholic world, do you think the Cardinal (who permitted the painting to be made public in the first place) would have been motivated to have it removed?

Think about that and your well-menaing but simplistic desire for censorship toward things offensive.

🤮 Trady: I have reported this offensive video at least 2 times--so has Gregory--PLEASE REPORT IT TOO:
Holy Cannoli
Look, this video is a valid news item and has received 111,378 hits. The news is not always pretty and I would rather chose to be informed than the alternative. Obviously, it is not meant for children or "more sensitive" viewers.
Gregory writes:
>>>a video of this nature would be considered delict, an abomination, a felony;
You do not hesitate in criticizing others when they do or say anythiing …More
Look, this video is a valid news item and has received 111,378 hits. The news is not always pretty and I would rather chose to be informed than the alternative. Obviously, it is not meant for children or "more sensitive" viewers.

Gregory writes:

>>>a video of this nature would be considered delict, an abomination, a felony;

You do not hesitate in criticizing others when they do or say anythiing that does not meet your enlightened approval. But speaking of "felony" do you know what the penalties are for harborng or consorting with undocumentated immigrants (read: illegal aliens) ?

Do you know any illegal aliens, Gregory?

Maybe someone should call I.C.E.?

Well.....really!! However, this video is NO different from any of the OTHER blasphemous videos published onto this website, e.g. Liturgical and Clerical abuses of monumental proportions, Half-naked men dancing in the sactuary of a church, immigration problems (which have nought to do with what goes on here), and all other sensationalist and non-edifying videos.
This video just represents the distance …More
Well.....really!! However, this video is NO different from any of the OTHER blasphemous videos published onto this website, e.g. Liturgical and Clerical abuses of monumental proportions, Half-naked men dancing in the sactuary of a church, immigration problems (which have nought to do with what goes on here), and all other sensationalist and non-edifying videos.

This video just represents the distance to which man can fall from the Truth and, in so doing, rebel against God (i.e. the artist in this video). Is this video less ugly than the soul of a man in mortal sin? I suggest that all of us ought to reflect on this. THIS, Greg, I submit, is the purport of this video: behold the hideousness of a soul in grave error and mortal sin; what does our soul look like????

Pax in Domino Iesv Christi,
😇 🤗
This was reported a MONTH ago, but has still been allowed on
One more comment from Irapuato
Or, write to Fathers Marcus & Reto at:
Please take it down. It's not art. It's horrible!! - Rene
holyrope 3
THIS IS A MOCKERY OF OUR FAITH...Please DO REMOVE IT! Why let the devil enjoy seeing his work being EXPOSED here on GLORIA TV?? 😡
Questa non è arte sacra.
Contra_Malum and one more user link to this post