Possible first Latin American miracle for Virgin of Lourdes. The inexplicable cure of a Colombian religious-whose identity is being kept secret-could be the first miracle attributed to the intercession …More
Possible first Latin American miracle for Virgin of Lourdes.
The inexplicable cure of a Colombian religious-whose identity is being kept secret-could be the first miracle attributed to the intercession of Our Lady of Lourdes that is officially recognized in Latin America.
Bishop does not fear mafia. Italien bishop against mafia.More
Bishop does not fear mafia.
Italien bishop against mafia.
If only we could witness to this sort of strength with the bishops here at home. It takes a "true" Apostle not to have fear of defending the truth.
👌 Thank God for strong Bishops.
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How Pius IX decided to declare the Immaculate Conception. An expert in the life of Blessed Pope Pius IX, ... (more) Added: February 12, 2008 An expert in the life of Blessed Pope Pius IX, Francesco …More
How Pius IX decided to declare the Immaculate Conception.
An expert in the life of Blessed Pope Pius IX, ... (more)
Added: February 12, 2008
An expert in the life of Blessed Pope Pius IX, Francesco Guglietta, has revealed in an article published by L'Osservatore Romano, that Pope Pius IX decided to consult the bishops of the world before he proclaimed the dogma of the Immaculate Conception on December 8, 1854.
66 British babies survived abortion. In the last year 66 babies survived abortion, according to the information supplied by the government. Half of them survived one hour and one of them survived more …More
66 British babies survived abortion.
In the last year 66 babies survived abortion, according to the information supplied by the government. Half of them survived one hour and one of them survived more than 10 hours
holyrope 3
Know all you out there who voted for Obama, you voted for a man who was the Only one in favor of Murdering these innocent babies who were born Alive …More
Know all you out there who voted for Obama, you voted for a man who was the Only one in favor of Murdering these innocent babies who were born Alive through failed abortions. Read about the "BORN ALIVE ACT" that this President said of his own daughters that he would approve they get an abortion rather than have them be "punished" with a baby they didn't want." What a leader! 🤦
Dear Rhemes1582, Please forgive me for I in no way meant in my posting, "the church", referring to the Catholic Chruch, for they do more than any other …More
Dear Rhemes1582,
Please forgive me for I in no way meant in my posting, "the church", referring to the Catholic Chruch, for they do more than any other denomination to promote life at every stage to be precious, and offer instruction and assistance for the unwed mother.
I should have worded my posting differently and for that I am sorry, as I did not want or mean to offend. Many denominations talk about choosing life, but offer no help to women.
My words were of poor choosing, I must read more of Gemma.
In Christ,
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Blessed Charles of Habsburg, Austro Hungarian emperor. the inexplicable cure of a baptist woman who suffered from breast cancer could lead to the canonization of Charles of Habsburg, the last emperor …More
Blessed Charles of Habsburg, Austro Hungarian emperor.
the inexplicable cure of a baptist woman who suffered from breast cancer could lead to the canonization of Charles of Habsburg, the last emperor of the austro hungarian empire who made his life as husband, father and governor a path to holiness
hoffentlich bald ... Gott erhalte!More
hoffentlich bald ...
Gott erhalte!
Catholic protests listing of "relics" for auction on eBay. he internet auction site eBay is listing for sale the reputed relics of Catholic saints, Newsweek reports, though a layman has taken up the …More
Catholic protests listing of "relics" for auction on eBay.
he internet auction site eBay is listing for sale the reputed relics of Catholic saints, Newsweek reports, though a layman has taken up the task of preventing the site's sale of both sacred items and the bodily remains of holy men and women.
Its out of control now! 🙄
Anti-religious children's book dangerous for young people. The German Family Ministry is arguing that a children's book for atheists that contains disparaging depictions of religious leaders is anti-…More
Anti-religious children's book dangerous for young people.
The German Family Ministry is arguing that a children's book for atheists that contains disparaging depictions of religious leaders is anti-Semitic and should be considered dangerous to young people, Deutsche Welle reports.
Cuba to celebrate anniversary of Pope John Paul II's visit. Cuba to celebrate anniversary of Pope John Paul II's visit.More
Cuba to celebrate anniversary of Pope John Paul II's visit.
Cuba to celebrate anniversary of Pope John Paul II's visit.
Kerel Weirich, unknown catholic hero of the Holocaust. Kerel Weirich, catholic, founded the Work of Saint Wenceslao to help Czech citizens in concentration camps in ItalyMore
Kerel Weirich, unknown catholic hero of the Holocaust.
Kerel Weirich, catholic, founded the Work of Saint Wenceslao to help Czech citizens in concentration camps in Italy
Mother sacrifices own life for her son. Lorraine Allard was four months pregnant when doctors discovered she had cancerous tumors in her liver. Her physicians recommended that she abort her child and …More
Mother sacrifices own life for her son.
Lorraine Allard was four months pregnant when doctors discovered she had cancerous tumors in her liver. Her physicians recommended that she abort her child and undergo chemo therapy to save herself, but she valued her baby's life more than her own
😇 God Bless this woman.
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Paul Wattson and his conversion to catholicism. Throughout his entire life Fr. Paul Wattson, the founder of the Society of Antonment, was always devoted to the urgent reconciliation of Christians. His …More
Paul Wattson and his conversion to catholicism.
Throughout his entire life Fr. Paul Wattson, the founder of the Society of Antonment, was always devoted to the urgent reconciliation of Christians. His fervent desire for unity led him to convert to Catholicism from his Anglican faith and in 1907 to begin one of his greatest apostolates: the Week of Prayer for Christian Unity.
Peaceful protestors attacked by police. Thousands of Catholics gathered in the streets of Hanoi to show their opposition to the government's refusal to hand over buildings that originally belonged to …More
Peaceful protestors attacked by police.
Thousands of Catholics gathered in the streets of Hanoi to show their opposition to the government's refusal to hand over buildings that originally belonged to the Catholic Church of Vietnam. In protests today, some 2,000 Catholics marched from St. Joseph's Cathedral to the building that was once the Vatican embassy.
The building, which is now a youth sports center, is one of many church properties taken over by the Communist government in 1954. Church officials say they have documents showing the 2.5-acre property belongs to the diocese.
Feminists sued over abortion performed on 9 year-old. Bishop Abelardo Mata of Esteli and president of the Nicaraguan Association for Human Rights announced this week his organization will continue to …More
Feminists sued over abortion performed on 9 year-old.
Bishop Abelardo Mata of Esteli and president of the Nicaraguan Association for Human Rights announced this week his organization will continue to call for legal action against nine activists from the "Women's Network Against Violence" over the case of Rosita, a girl raped by her stepfather and used by feminists to advance their agenda of legalizing abortion.
Annual March for Life draws tens of thousands. On January 22, tens of thousands of people committed to supporting the sanctity of human life rallied on the National Mall in Washington D.C. for the …More
Annual March for Life draws tens of thousands.
On January 22, tens of thousands of people committed to supporting the sanctity of human life rallied on the National Mall in Washington D.C. for the annual March for Life. The theme for this year's march is "Build unity on the life principles throughout America -- No exception! No compromise!"
Church in Germany promoting the family and marriage. The Church in Germany has launched a new campaign to promote the family under the theme, "living love together." This campaign will take place over …More
Church in Germany promoting the family and marriage.
The Church in Germany has launched a new campaign to promote the family under the theme, "living love together." This campaign will take place over three years and will offer spiritual counseling, formation and access to the sacraments for couples and their families.
eine ganz wichtige Kampagne, die die eheliche Treue und das "Arbeiten an und in der Ehe" zum Thema macht. Wichtig wäre, daß sich das kirchliche (und …More
eine ganz wichtige Kampagne, die die eheliche Treue und das "Arbeiten an und in der Ehe" zum Thema macht. Wichtig wäre, daß sich das kirchliche (und gesellschaftliche) Umfeld mehr daran beteiligt, die Ehe(-leute) in ihrer Treue und ihrer alltäglichen Arbeit in und an der Ehe zu unterstützen. Leider gibt es darauf kaum Reaktionen - auch nicht aus "basiskirchlichen" Kreisen. weiter hier: dbk.de/ehe-familie-kirche/index.html 👏