EWTN News Nightly - 2014-07-22 Faith leaders are testifying on Capitol Hill about Anti-Semitism in Europe -- Jason Calvi reports on this religious discrimination. Two conflicting federal court rulings …More
EWTN News Nightly - 2014-07-22

Faith leaders are testifying on Capitol Hill about Anti-Semitism in Europe -- Jason Calvi reports on this religious discrimination. Two conflicting federal court rulings on the Affordable Care Act today -- we're joined by Judicial Crisis Network's Carrie Severino to discuss what this means for Obamacare. One day after President Obama signs an executive order against gay and transgender work discrimination -- we speak with the USCCB's Melissa Swearingen and Alliance Defending Freedom's Kellile Fiedorek to discuss what this means for Catholic employers. As violence on the Gaza Strip continues to escalate, we're joined by the Brooking's Institution's expert on Middle East Policy, Dan Arbell.