
Bishop Vigano said that China paid Bergoglio in order to "not open his mouth about the persecution of Catholics in China"

The Vatican, complicit in the psychopandemic farce and supporter of the campaign to inoculate everyone with an experimental gene serum proven harmful and deadly (as well as produced from aborted fetuses), does not fail to demonstrate its cowardly subservience to the WHO's neo-Malthusian policies. Pecunia non olet: like the Chinese funds he took so as not to open his mouth about the persecution of Catholics in China, BigPharma's contributions to the street actor of Santa Marta ensured that serum-induced adverse effects and deaths would be maliciously concealed in the name of an "act of love" extorted by blackmail. One of the worst pages of contemporary history, for which Bergoglio and his Sanhedrin will also soon have to answer.