July 18, St. Camillus de Lellis, Priest, had been a tertiary before founding or joining another religious Institute. Camillus, of the noble family of the Lelli, was born at Bucchianico in the diocese …More
July 18, St. Camillus de Lellis, Priest, had been a tertiary before founding or joining another religious Institute.

Camillus, of the noble family of the Lelli, was born at Bucchianico in the diocese of Chieti. As a young man he entered the army and gave himself up for a time to worldly vices. But he was seized with sorrow at having offended God, and, going at once to the Friars Minor, called Capuchins, he earnestly pleaded to be admitted among them. His desire was granted this time, and again later on, when he had been out of the Order and had sought re-admission. But on both occasions an infected ulcer on his leg, which had afflicted him for some time, broke out, and he submitted himself humbly to his superiors, twice putting off the habit of the Order which he had twice asked for and received. He went to Rome and was ordained to the priesthood. Then he laid the first foundations of the Congregation of Clerks Regular for ministering to the sick, whose members bind themselves by a fourth and difficult vow to serve the sick even when they are infected by the plague. Worn out by repeated fasts and constant toil, and by five long and trying illnesses which he called the mercies of the Lord and bore with great fortitude, he died in the Lord on the 14th of July, 1614, at the age of sixty-five. Leo XIII proclaimed him the heavenly patron of all hospitals and of the sick, and ordered that his name be invoked in the litany for the dying. - Ad Matutinum Rubrics 1960