Sept. 27, St. Elzear of Sabran, Confessor of the third Order. This noble scion of the illustrious Sabran family was born in Provence. As soon as he was born his mother offered him to God, imploring …More
Sept. 27, St. Elzear of Sabran, Confessor of the third Order.

This noble scion of the illustrious Sabran family was born in Provence. As soon as he was born his mother offered him to God, imploring Him to withdraw him from this world after his baptism, rather than allow him at any time to stain the purity of his soul by a mortal sin. The child, always keeping his heart pure, grew in knowledge, in wisdom and in age. He was known especially for his tender compassion for the poor. He married blessed Delphina of Glandeves, with whom he lived in perfect continence, and in the practice of all the virtues. Husband and wife rivaled each other in zeal, and in their faithfulness in following the road to God. Their days spent in prayer, in work, in holy reading, and in the care of the poor and the sick. They spent a part of the night in prayer. Besides these exercises, they practiced severe mortification in the form of fasting, hairshirts, and chastisement, which covered their innocent flesh with blood. Together, they took the habit of the Third Order. On that occasion, St. Elzear, following the example of his wife, made an oath of perpetual virginity. From then on, he was favoured with ecstasies, raptures and visions. God gave him the gift of prophecy, and the gift of miracles. Even though applying himself to his own sanctification, he did not neglect any of the duties of his position. He maintained justice in his estate. He established wise rules for the organization of his household, and successfully dealt with all questions confided to him by his sovereign. He died in Paris, on September 27, 1323, and was canonized by Urban V. – (from) The Franciscan Supplement.