Gloria TV News. Vatican Prayer intentions for September Each month, Pope Benedict XVI announces his special prayer intentions—particular things that he wishes all Catholics to pray for that month. One …More
Gloria TV News.

Prayer intentions for September
Each month, Pope Benedict XVI announces his special prayer intentions—particular things that he wishes all Catholics to pray for that month. One intention is general, and one concerns a particular Catholic missionary activity. Pope Benedict's general prayer intention for September 2009 is "That the word of God may be better known, welcomed and lived as the source of freedom and joy," and his mission intention is "That Christians in Laos, Cambodia and Myanmar, who often meet with great difficulties, may not be discouraged from announcing the Gospel to their brothers, trusting in the strength of the Holy Spirit."
United Kingdom
'Prayer Before Making Love’
The 'Prayer Book for Spouses' - a new book brought out by the Church invites couples setting out on their married life to recite a specially composed 'Prayer Before Making Love'. The prayer is aimed at purifying the intentions of the couple so that the conjugal act is marked by total self-giving rather than selfishness or hedonism. It reads among others : “Clothe us in true dignity and take to yourself our shared aspirations, for your glory, for ever and ever.'”

Pro-death network attacks Slovakia
The president of Slovakia, Ivan Gašparovic has signed last Tuesday a new proposal to place restrictions on Slovakia’s abortion law. The amendment establishes mandatory counselling, requires a two-day wait, and increases the age until which parental consent is required from 16 to 18. The amendment was adopted by the Slovak Parliament in June and it will come into effect in September. International abortion groups' pressure, coordinated by the US based pro-death network "Centre for Reproductive Rights," called for rejection of the amendment, claiming that it was "in conflict with women's rights to privacy, physical integrity and autonomy, confidentiality, health, and non- discrimination."

United States
Methodists want no homosexual clergy
Despite a recent agreement declaring that the United Methodist Church and the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America are in full communion, Bishop Gregory Palmer, president of the United Methodist Council of Bishops has decided not to accept the ministry of Lutheran clergy who are active homosexuals. “The doctrine, polity and standards of ministry of the respective denominations in any full communion agreement are not wiped out when one denomination does something,” he said after the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America voted to ordain homosexuals in “life-long, monogamous” relationships.
☕ Pray for the Pope and his intentions.Join me at 8:30am EWTN ROSARY..