Easter: tenor Andrea Bocelli attends mass and sings at St. Patrick’s Catholic Church

Photo ~ Italian tenor Andrea Bocelli sings at Easter Mass in Miami Beach in a somewhat surprise appearance.Roberto Zaldivar / For the Miami Herald

Bocelli, sitting in the front row, was led to the pulpit and began singing Panis Angelicus, a Latin hymn that translates to Bread of Angels, to a packed church.

Bocelli, who first surprised the church last Easter and then again for Christmas Mass, sang one song before Communion and later left near the altar, parishioner Puig Zaldivar said.

Mary Ross Agosta, the communications director for the Archdiocese of Miami, said on Sunday that “it seems that when he is in the area for the holiday he does worship at St. Patrick’s.”
The church holds about 1,000 worshipers, she said, with standing room for another 300.

Video is from 2013 when he also sang at mass

The quality is much better Here.

Read more here: www.miamiherald.com/…/tenor-andrea-bo…