In Lent, space for Bible, prayer and penance. "The Transfiguration of Jesus is not a change, but it is the revelation of his divinity...In His being one with the Father, Jesus is 'light from light'."…More
In Lent, space for Bible, prayer and penance.

"The Transfiguration of Jesus is not a change, but it is the revelation of his divinity...In His being one with the Father, Jesus is 'light from light'." These were just some of the words spoken by Pope Benedict XVI at the Angelus prayer with the faithful gathered in St. Peter's Square this Sunday, during which the Gospel narrative of the transfiguration was read at Mass. The Holy Father explained that at the transfiguration, the disciples saw for a short time, a brightness more intense than the Sun -- "one of the divine glory of Jesus, which illuminates the whole history of salvation." The Pope went on to pray that we, too, might also participate in this vision and this supernatural gift." Finally, ...