Babies in the Vax? “We Are All Human Persons” ProLifeCorner- By Father Timothy Barr- Imagine living 70 years ago when you have a man in a white doctor’s coat and another young woman with downs syndrome …More
Babies in the Vax?

“We Are All Human Persons”

ProLifeCorner- By Father Timothy Barr-

Imagine living 70 years ago when you have a man in a white doctor’s coat and another young woman with downs syndrome. The man tells you that you must participate in a study for the good of science. If you do not agree, he tells you, your life will be very hard. But you have a choice.
Now imagine you are off the shores of Africa, not too many years ago and you are told to carry out a study on beagles for the good of science. You have to put a basket over the head of the beagles and observe the threshold pain as the sand flies eat their heads till they die.
Now imagine in the early 1970s, you are doing some research to help cure diseases. You are given parts of dead babies that were aborted and you need to save as many parts and cells as possible so that they can use these babies so that they in turn can use them in vaccinations, medicines, skin care products and even food. Isn’t that just gross? But that’s Halloween, right?...

READ TEXT And SEE VIDEO: prolifecorner.com/babies-in-the-vax/
With respect to Father's takeaway line, President Joe Biden proves otherwise. Even some vegetables are persons. ;-)