CHRISTIAN FLAG. Satanists, Christians and Atheists are Unable to Share a Common Law/ Flag. We need more independent Christian States, areas, sections, whatever it takes. Almighty God bless the nation …More

Satanists, Christians and Atheists are Unable to Share a Common Law/ Flag.
We need more independent Christian States, areas, sections, whatever it takes. Almighty God bless the nation of Hungary, for writing into their laws that they are a Christian nation. Christian Unity is Imperative.
They disregard Jesus' warning, "what you do to the least of your brothers you do unto me" Coming from you, that's rich. :D
There will never be Christian unity when there are 40000+ fake christian denominations, claiming that they each are guided by the Holy Ghost which means that they cancel each other out. The only true faith/religion is the Catholic Church because it began with the apostles who were all filled by the Holy Ghost on Penticost. Anything else is a lie, you don't have to believe me do some history reasearch …More
There will never be Christian unity when there are 40000+ fake christian denominations, claiming that they each are guided by the Holy Ghost which means that they cancel each other out. The only true faith/religion is the Catholic Church because it began with the apostles who were all filled by the Holy Ghost on Penticost. Anything else is a lie, you don't have to believe me do some history reasearch that will state the same facts. For 1500 years the whole world was Catholic and then the fake christians came along.
Joseph a' Christian
I agree with you 100%. Your statement is true, there is one Christian Church, our Apostolic Catholic Church. All others are schismatic, heretical or completely absurd, such as Joel Osteen.
I wrote this years ago, I'm going to have to re-read it.
Almighty God bless you brother, -Joseph