Gloria.TV News on the 17th of December. First Birthday as Pope: Today Pope Francis celebrates his 77th birthday. However, there will be no celebrations in the Vatican because Catholic tradition does …More
Gloria.TV News on the 17th of December.

First Birthday as Pope: Today Pope Francis celebrates his 77th birthday. However, there will be no celebrations in the Vatican because Catholic tradition does not commemorate birthdays but rather the feast of the patron saint. The name’s day of the Pope is even a day off in the Vatican. It is celebrated according to the baptismal name of the Holy Father, on the feast of St. George - Jorge in Spanish.

Nervousness in the Vatican: In October a strange thing happened in the Vatican according to the Italian website Blitz quotidiano. A remote control toy helicopter appeared above the Domus Sanctae Marthae where Pope Francis has his residence and remained there for a couple of minutes. Until today Vatican security was not able to determine who was behind this action. Gloria.tv's Don Reto has such a helicopter but he is still denying being involved in this incident.

Health Problems?: There have been rumours in the Vatican for quite a while suggesting that Pope Francis may have health problems. In fact, sometimes he appears to walk with difficulty. On Sunday December 8th when Francis went to the Spanish Steps in downtown Rome to venerate the statue of the Immaculate, he visibly had trouble moving his legs.

Marxism Only for the Others: A circular letter of Cardinal Calcagno, president of the Administration of the Patrimony of the Apostolic See (APSA), announced to Vatican employees a reduction of two days of paid leave. The reason: This year, the working days 23th and 30th of December shall be considered days of "bridges" but these days will be at the expense of the regular holidays. The matter was decided without consultation with those workers who will be effected. There is already a certain dissatisfaction among them as they did non receive the traditional grattuity for the election of a new pope. Pope Francis has recently been accused of being a Marxist.
@Uncle Joe
There is no saint with the name Doina. Though, several users on Gloria.tv are working hard on making one 😜 😉 .
And yes, I am not celebrating my birthday, but I like to get gifts anyway 😎 😁More
@Uncle Joe

There is no saint with the name Doina. Though, several users on Gloria.tv are working hard on making one 😜 😉 .
And yes, I am not celebrating my birthday, but I like to get gifts anyway 😎 😁
Uncle Joe
I'd say there should be more investigations into the attack on the Vatican and Don Reto's helicopter.
Thanks for the news. Doina.
By the way, is there a saint's feast day for the name Doina?
If not, does this mean you don't celebrate your birthday?
I'd say there should be more investigations into the attack on the Vatican and Don Reto's helicopter.


Thanks for the news. Doina.

By the way, is there a saint's feast day for the name Doina?
If not, does this mean you don't celebrate your birthday?

Hay Zeus
Thanks for the news.
Marcelino Champagnat
El primer cumpleaños como Papa: Hoy Papa Francisco celebra su 77 cumpleaños. Sin embargo, no habrá celebraciones en el Vaticano porque la tradición católica no conmemora cumpleaños, sino la fiesta del santo. El Día del santo del Papa es aún un día de descanso en el Vaticano. Se celebra de acuerdo con el nombre de bautismo del Santo Padre, en la fiesta de San Jorge.
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El primer cumpleaños como Papa: Hoy Papa Francisco celebra su 77 cumpleaños. Sin embargo, no habrá celebraciones en el Vaticano porque la tradición católica no conmemora cumpleaños, sino la fiesta del santo. El Día del santo del Papa es aún un día de descanso en el Vaticano. Se celebra de acuerdo con el nombre de bautismo del Santo Padre, en la fiesta de San Jorge.

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