"Countefeit Marriage"

The American Family Association's Bryan Fischer has never minced words over his opposition to same-sex marriage

On his radio program on Friday, Bryan Fischer told his audience that they should never be reluctant to use the word "sodomy" when discussing the issue of homosexuality, saying that it is a "good word" to use precisely because "it's an ugly word because it describes ugly behavior."

Telling his listeners that they must be wary of ever "ceding ground to the enemy" by allowing gay activists to dictate how they can discuss the issue, Fischer explained that that is why he insists on calling marriage equality "sodomy-based marriage."


"I refer to homosexual marriage," Fischer said, "as sodomy-based marriage.

This is a pseudo-marriage; it's counterfeit marriage, fake marriage; not the real thing, it's naugahyde marriage and it is rooted in the act of sodomy which was a felony offense everywhere in the United States of America ... Now you talk about preserving public policies against this behavior, you get tagged as a homophobic bigot."
The word "Marriage" shouldn't even be near the word homosexuality...
Hay Zeus
A "naugahyde" marriage..lol Look what the devil has done...from sodomy being a felony to it now being made "normal" in children's schools. Sick!