One in four Americans think Obama may be the antichrist, survey says

Photo ~ ‘The Bible’ Producers Call Controversy Over Satan’s Resemblance To President Obama “Utter Nonsense”

One in four Americans think Obama may be the antichrist, survey says

About one in four Americans suspect that President Barack Obama might be the antichrist, more than a third believe that global warming is a hoax and more than half suspect that a secretive global elite is trying to set up a New World Order, according to a poll released on Tuesday.

The survey, which was conducted by Public Policy Polling, asked a sample of American voters about a number of conspiracy theories, phrasing the questions in eye-catching language that will have the country's educators banging their heads on their desks. The study revealed that 13% of respondents thought Obama was "the antichrist", while another 13% were "not sure" – and so were at least appeared to be open to the possibility that he might be. Some 73% of people were able to say outright that they did not think Obama was "the antichrist".

No I don't think. Not the real antichrist. But I could imagine, he could be one of the many little false Chists and false prophets our REAL Lord Jesus Christ told us about. 😉 🤗More

No I don't think. Not the real antichrist. But I could imagine, he could be one of the many little false Chists and false prophets our REAL Lord Jesus Christ told us about. 😉 🤗
He is the anti christ . . . . isn't he? 👌
Good one Luke Daniel! Everytime I look at that picture I just laugh.. Obama is a mighty creepy dude, but after reading some private revelations he maybe only a prefigurement of what the real Anti-Christ maybe like...or he could just be the AntiChrist....All I really know is that we need to pray for the poor man... because the way he has things going he could be in a heap of trouble!
Spooky-Doo 😈
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Deutschland Über Alles
Global warming (the manmade variety in any case) IS a hoax.
That's his 'Soul Brother'.