Exhibition "The sun of the day" by Antonio Luque. Johannes Church in Feldkirch, Western Austria June 2011More
Exhibition "The sun of the day" by Antonio Luque.

Johannes Church in Feldkirch, Western Austria
June 2011
holyrope 3
Well, we now know where some of these exhibits are coming from....The students (photo) I posted is in this same church, (link below)....are from Washington University in Missouri, USA. They belong to the SAM FOX school of art and design, at the University. Mr. Fox, is a BIG $$$$$ donor to Washington U. According to WIKIPEDIA, and a representative from Washington University that I just spoke with..…More
Well, we now know where some of these exhibits are coming from....The students (photo) I posted is in this same church, (link below)....are from Washington University in Missouri, USA. They belong to the SAM FOX school of art and design, at the University. Mr. Fox, is a BIG $$$$$ donor to Washington U. According to WIKIPEDIA, and a representative from Washington University that I just spoke with..... "Mr Sam Fox was the 31st US Ambassador to Belgium, and is of Jewish origin." Hope the link works:


Johanniter Church Feldkirch, Austria
holyrope 3
Lord in Thy mercy, help us! There must be a way to find out if this Church belongs to the local diocese. If it does indeed, then it should be reported to Rome! And if it belongs to the state, then as Catholics, we should protest such blasphemy and impurity which not only covers the altar but also the statue of Christ. Let the evil one have his fun...for now...he Knows it cannot last forever! Forgive …More
Lord in Thy mercy, help us! There must be a way to find out if this Church belongs to the local diocese. If it does indeed, then it should be reported to Rome! And if it belongs to the state, then as Catholics, we should protest such blasphemy and impurity which not only covers the altar but also the statue of Christ. Let the evil one have his fun...for now...he Knows it cannot last forever! Forgive us Lord, forgive us. May Thy Holy Name be Praised, Adored, Loved and Honored for ages and ages! 🙏
This church may belong to the state, but it is still a church. It is obviouse that the main goal of this "art" consists in dirtening what is holy.
Mamma mia! 🤮 Where is the bishop looking 🤦
One thinks that ones artistic palette is insufficiently formed in this type of 'art' to appreciate it. Therefore, one has no choice but to consider the theological difficulties with the location for this 'art', rather than comment upon Mssr Luque.
The nude, has for centuries, been quite the scandal in Church art, e.g. just consider for a moment the ceiling of the Sistine Chapel and the Baroque nude …More
One thinks that ones artistic palette is insufficiently formed in this type of 'art' to appreciate it. Therefore, one has no choice but to consider the theological difficulties with the location for this 'art', rather than comment upon Mssr Luque.

The nude, has for centuries, been quite the scandal in Church art, e.g. just consider for a moment the ceiling of the Sistine Chapel and the Baroque nude cherubs and statues in churches all over Europe. When this phenomenon first made its appearance after the Renaissance, chaps were just as horrified as we might be today (at the nudity). However, now we call this Baroque (Barocco) art beautiful and worthy to be maintained.

On the other hand, we have that troublesome element of representation. That is to say, is a plaster or marble nude, fashioned in the likeness of a human being, of greater value than a picture of a nude on a plasma screen? I rather think that nothing whatsoever is wrong with representing the nude human body. However, on account of the beauty and sanctity of the human body, would it not be better to represent it in a tasteful, respectful manner?

Now, turning to the screen with the nude man in this video. Two things come to mind: 1. How tasteful is the use of a plasma screen? 2. Is it respectful of the human body to present a nude picture in the sactuary? If the answer to these questions are negative, then there are negative implications for displaying the 'art' of Mssr Luque and therefore some blasphemy here. Then, there is the whole question of artistic value here, is man the centre of his existence?

On the other hand, as St Paul says, one ought never to be a stumbling block to the faith of any of ones bretheren. Therefore, in this presentation, if one finds no problem with the use of a plasma screen in the sanctuary, or, no lack of respect to the human body, then one has to be certain that no one else, visiting this Church has any objections to it. Since this cannot be assured, then one has no choice but to conclude that this exhibition is manifestly inappropriate and ought to be removed.