May 1 St. Peregrine/Peregrino/Pellegrino Laziosi by irapuato on 1.5.2013More
May 1 St. Peregrine/Peregrino/Pellegrino Laziosi

by irapuato on 1.5.2013
parangutirimicuaro shares this
May 1 - St. Peregrine/Peregrino/Pellegrino Laziosi
Peregrinus Laziosi
Pellegrino Laziosi
Peregrinus Latiosi
Pellegrino Latiosi
Peregrine Latiosi
1 May
Born wealthy, he spent a worldly youth, and became involved in politics. Peregrine was initially strongly antiCatholic. During a popular revolt, he struck the papal peace negotiator, Saint Philip Benizi, across the face. SaintMore
May 1 - St. Peregrine/Peregrino/Pellegrino Laziosi
Peregrinus Laziosi
Pellegrino Laziosi
Peregrinus Latiosi
Pellegrino Latiosi
Peregrine Latiosi
1 May
Born wealthy, he spent a worldly youth, and became involved in politics. Peregrine was initially strongly antiCatholic. During a popular revolt, he struck the papal peace negotiator, Saint Philip Benizi, across the face. Saint Philip calmly turned the other cheek, prayed for the youth, and Peregine had a conversion.
He received a vision of Our Lady who told him to go to Siena, Italy, and there to join the Servites. After training and ordination, they assigned him to his home town. He lived and worked, as much as possible, in complete silence, in solitude, and without sitting down for 30 years in an attempt to do penance for his early life. When he did speak, he was known as a fervant preacher, excellent orator, and gentle confessor. Founded a Servite house at Forli, Italy.
A victim of a spreading cancer in his foot, Peregrine was scheduled for an amputation. He spent the night before the operation in prayer; he received a vision of Christ who touched the diseased area. The next morning, Peregrine found his cancer completely healed.
1260 at Forli, Italy
1 May 1345 at Forli, Italy of natural causes
body incorrupt
15 April 1609 by Pope Paul V (cultus confirmation)
11 September 1702 by Pope Clement XI (cultus confirmation)
27 December 1726 by Pope Benedict XIII
against cancer
against breast cancer
against open sores
against skin diseases
AIDS patients
cancer patients
sick people

Forli-Bertinoro, Italy, diocese of
Forli, Italy
being supported by angels while Jesus descends from the Cross to heal him
Irapuato shares this
May 1 - St. Peregrine Laziosi, of Forli (1260-1345)
May 1/16 St. Peregrine Laziosi, of Forli (1260-1345)
Born in Forli, Italy, Peregrine is the patron saint of persons suffering from cancer, AIDS and other serious diseases.
As a young man he was a member of an anti-papal party until he encountered St. Philip Benizi, the head of the Servite order, who had been sent to try to reconcile the divided community. While trying to preach in Forli, Philip …More
May 1/16 St. Peregrine Laziosi, of Forli (1260-1345)

Born in Forli, Italy, Peregrine is the patron saint of persons suffering from cancer, AIDS and other serious diseases.
As a young man he was a member of an anti-papal party until he encountered St. Philip Benizi, the head of the Servite order, who had been sent to try to reconcile the divided community. While trying to preach in Forli, Philip was heckled and even struck by Peregrine, who was overcome by momentary political fervor. But that moment also changed Peregrine. He began to channel his energies in new directions, engaged in good works and eventually joined the Servites in Siena and went on to be ordained a priest. Returning to his home town, he founded a new Servite house there and became well known for his preaching and holiness as well as his devotion to the sick and poor.

One of the special penances he imposed on himself was standing whenever it was not necessary to sit. Over time, Peregrine developed varicose veins and, in turn, cancer of the foot. The wound became painful and diseased and all medical treatment failed. The local surgeon determined amputation of the leg was called for.

Tradition has it that the night before surgery was scheduled ,Peregrine spent much time in prayer before the crucified Jesus, asking God to heal him if it was God’s will to do so. Falling asleep at one point, Peregrine had a vision of the crucified Jesus leaving the cross and touching his cancerous leg. When Peregrine awoke, the wound was healed and his foot and leg, seemingly miraculously cured, were saved. He lived another 20 years.

Peregrine was canonized in 1726.


Peregrine got his miracle: His cancer was cured even as the doctors prepared to amputate his foot. But Peregrine had already experienced a more important healing: A softening of his heart rechanneled all his energy into the service of the gospel. Most of us pray fervently if not for a miracle, at least for some need that lies close to our hearts. And so we should, for God cares about our concerns. But no prayer would please God more than to ask that we might experience an ongoing softening of our hearts.

Patron Saint of:

AIDS patients
Cancer patients