Father Jason Worthley Celebrates the Traditional Latin Mass. On the Feast of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary, Fr. Jason Worthley celebrated a Traditional Latin Mass using the Extraordinary …More
Father Jason Worthley Celebrates the Traditional Latin Mass.

On the Feast of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary, Fr. Jason Worthley celebrated a Traditional Latin Mass using the Extraordinary Form of the Roman Rite. This is a little movie with scenes from the Mass. Please note that the homily may be a bit difficult to hear because the camera was far from the pulpit.

Videos of the preaching of Fr. Worthley are at fatherworthley.blogspot.com and on YouTube. Audio podcasts are on iTunes and at fatherjasonworthley.podbean.com
holyrope 3
👍 Thank you Father! We hope and pray that all priests will follow in this Sacred tradition of saying this Holy Mass! Deo Gratias!
What a great example ! 👏More
👍 Thank you Father! We hope and pray that all priests will follow in this Sacred tradition of saying this Holy Mass! Deo Gratias!

What a great example ! 👏