Macron: Rebuild Notre Dame "modern diverse" EmmanuelMacron told France24_en alledgedly that Notre-Dame would be re-built "in a way consistent with our modern diverse nation". The screenshot is ciculating …More
Macron: Rebuild Notre Dame "modern diverse"

EmmanuelMacron told France24_en alledgedly that Notre-Dame would be re-built "in a way consistent with our modern diverse nation". The screenshot is ciculating, but was said to be deleted immediately.
Half Muslim. God save your people.
In other words Macron wants Notre Dame to be France's Hagia Sophia: a once-beautiful Christian church desecrated into a mosque.
Holy Cannoli
How peculiar. When a mosque or an abortion clinic is vandalized, when some mincing, preening homosexual degenerate is mocked in the street, the officials always know why. Additionally, they're quite vocal and forthcoming in discussing "why" and denouncing the perpetrators in the harshest possible terms. Whatever beliefs the perpetrator has, on any political topic, are condemned and all those who …More
How peculiar. When a mosque or an abortion clinic is vandalized, when some mincing, preening homosexual degenerate is mocked in the street, the officials always know why. Additionally, they're quite vocal and forthcoming in discussing "why" and denouncing the perpetrators in the harshest possible terms. Whatever beliefs the perpetrator has, on any political topic, are condemned and all those who share those beliefs are condemned as equally guilty.

When it's a Christian ediface, a mysterious, crippling intellectual malady descends upon post-modern, atheistic, Marxist officials. They don't know why, they don't care who. If the perpetrator somehow manages to get themselves caught in spite of the officials' marked lack of interest, they immediately defend the perpetrator's supposedly noble ideology. The perpetrator is an aberration, his beliefs were in no way responsible for motivating him, and so on.
Holy Cannoli
...and the lefitsts endlessly bray how "right wing" Fox News supposedly is. Any time there's a school shooting, the leftist media venues immediately trot out their menagerie of "experts" who begin speculating how the shooter voted is probably a pro-life, NRA member and, a Trump voter.
Weeks later, as often hapens, the shooter is revealed as another left-wing nut-job with a history of violent crime …More
...and the lefitsts endlessly bray how "right wing" Fox News supposedly is. Any time there's a school shooting, the leftist media venues immediately trot out their menagerie of "experts" who begin speculating how the shooter voted is probably a pro-life, NRA member and, a Trump voter.

Weeks later, as often hapens, the shooter is revealed as another left-wing nut-job with a history of violent crime, endless "second chances" and "counselling" mandated by the courts instead of prison, a drug-user, and a sterling representative of popular left-wing causes. But those revelations appear only on the "fringe" conservative news outlets and, like cockroaches, the mainstream experts scuttle into the cracks.
Holy Cannoli
"in a way consistent with our modern diverse nation"