Liberal Music in Catholic Liturgies [Notice how nobody even sings along?] Not all sacred music is liturgical music. And that is a fact. My wife calls this stuff "dribble." She laughed: "It sounds like …More
Liberal Music in Catholic Liturgies [Notice how nobody even sings along?]

Not all sacred music is liturgical music. And that is a fact. My wife calls this stuff "dribble." She laughed: "It sounds like a nursery rhyme."

Talita Kumy
Gather us in and hold us forever,
Gather us in and make us your own;
Gather us in all peoples together,
Fire of love in our flesh and our bones
This is a beautiful song. Perfect for liturgy.
Recording people during mass to show off, that is not correct. 🙄
Important is the attitude of the heart. Someone makes a video during the liturgy, and people do not concentrate. Perhaps this is the reason that they do not sing. Or they do not know this song ... We should sing Gregorian chants or what???
In der Tat interessiert dieses ganze moderne Mach-mit-Theater keine Sau... Außer vllt. die, die sich damit selbst in Szene setzen wollen.
My si neuvědomujeme, že stojíme před Bohem, naše srdce nejsou u Boha. Hudba nehřeší. Odpusť nám Pane Ježíši naše urážky.