
2,000 Sign White House Petition: Give Obama's Nobel Peace Prize To Putin

( - More than 2,000 people have signed a new "We the People" petition posted last week on the White House website requesting that President Obama's Nobel Peace Prize be given to Russian President Vladimir Putin for his diplomatic negotiations with Syria regarding its use of chemical weapons.

"Mr. Putin enabled the United States to avoid an unwanted and unwarranted military action" through the agreement the former KGB officer brokered Saturday that requires Syria to destroy its stockpile of chemical weapons, and therefore "has brought us to the 'brink' of peace," the petition reads.

"Whereas Mr. Obama made a sincere commitment to starting a war with Syria, engaging our military in unwanted conflict, and doing so without the support of his people we resolve that Mr. Obama should deliver the Nobel Peace prize given to him in 2009 to a man of Peace, the President of Russia, Mr. Putin," the petition says.
