Dates of Easter. The Resurrection is the Center of the Christian faith - without there is no Christianity, however, almost every Year Catholics, Protestants and Orthodox celebrate Easter on different …More
Dates of Easter.

The Resurrection is the Center of the Christian faith - without there is no Christianity, however, almost every Year Catholics, Protestants and Orthodox celebrate Easter on different dates.... Why vote to Celebrate Easter all in one date? .... www.onedate.org
As a three year old child attending TLM I wondered in my heart:"Lord,why we say in the Credo:' And He was Risen on the THIRD DAY',instead of calling it simply 'after three days'? ". God the Father had commanded the chosen people to observe The Feast of The Passover on the fourteenth day of new moon in the first month ,called Nissan or Habib. " And the eve and the morn were the first day". Julian …More
As a three year old child attending TLM I wondered in my heart:"Lord,why we say in the Credo:' And He was Risen on the THIRD DAY',instead of calling it simply 'after three days'? ". God the Father had commanded the chosen people to observe The Feast of The Passover on the fourteenth day of new moon in the first month ,called Nissan or Habib. " And the eve and the morn were the first day". Julian Calendar,Gregorian Calendar - Our Lord,the Word Incarnate was born as a Jew,the Living Word of God born in flesh of Jewish Virgin,lived under Hebrew Calendar -" And they shall THINK they can change time and times!".Jesus performed The Miracle of the multiplying of the loaves of bread and fish,because they had to observe Passover to keep God's Command . Catholics observe early morn Ressurection service.Copts - the Orthodox Catholics keep all night vigil from Holy Saturday eve to dawn at Sunday. He was Risen ON THE THIRD DAY OF JEWISH PASSOVER,and the feast of Rising of Our Lord from the dead should be celebrated universally by ALL Christians on the third day of Jewish Passover,regardless of what day of the week it falls on. The father of lies,the original Antichrist boasts to the merchant :"They (the people of the Book) divide themselves against themselves". Christ told Vassula:" They have scripture,let them read " in answer,if she could reveal the True Date of The Great Night of Rising of Our Lord from the dead. Till the Light of His Living Word is with you,believe in that Light ,so you may become children of Light,for on such the Darkness rapidly spreading all over the world has no power,nor shall it overcome them.
"Kommt und vereinheitlicht die Daten für das Osterfest und baut so Mein Haus wieder auf als ein einziges Haus ... Es gibt zwei Schwestern, an denen Meine Seele Freude hat und die sie liebt, obwohl sie umringt sind von einer Menge Brüder, die nicht auf sie hören wollen. Obwohl ihre Seelen dem Tode nie so nahe gewesen sind, wollen sie nicht hören. Ich selbst werde deshalb die zwei zusammenbringen, …More
"Kommt und vereinheitlicht die Daten für das Osterfest und baut so Mein Haus wieder auf als ein einziges Haus ... Es gibt zwei Schwestern, an denen Meine Seele Freude hat und die sie liebt, obwohl sie umringt sind von einer Menge Brüder, die nicht auf sie hören wollen. Obwohl ihre Seelen dem Tode nie so nahe gewesen sind, wollen sie nicht hören. Ich selbst werde deshalb die zwei zusammenbringen, damit sie Meinen Namen ehren und Meinen Namen um einen Altar herum verkünden; und sofort danach werden alle Brüder zusammen die Feier vervollständigen."