Jeanne d'Arc. Incredible Saint! I love her dearly ...More
Jeanne d'Arc.

Incredible Saint! I love her dearly ...
Yes, not only France, but the world itself could use more like St. Jeanne d'Arc.
That said, the prophecies of individual saints (while held with certain reverence) have no actual protection from error. Only Holy Mother Church, when formally Teaching on matters of Faith & Morals has been afforded such protection.
Ultimately, this world will receive as many Saints as God is willing to send it. So …More
Yes, not only France, but the world itself could use more like St. Jeanne d'Arc.

That said, the prophecies of individual saints (while held with certain reverence) have no actual protection from error. Only Holy Mother Church, when formally Teaching on matters of Faith & Morals has been afforded such protection.

Ultimately, this world will receive as many Saints as God is willing to send it. So let us pray then for more saints, and for ourselves a stronger Faith and love for God.
We need another Saint Joan to restore the French Monarchy, as prophesied by many Saints.
Then France will be free again.