Vatican digs in after gay marriage advances

Vatican digs in after gay marriage advances

VATICAN CITY (AP) -- The Vatican is digging in after gay marriage initiatives scored big wins this week in the U.S. and Europe, vowing to never stop insisting that marriage can only be between a man and a woman.

In a front-page article in Saturday's Vatican newspaper L'Osservatore Romano, the Holy See sought to frame itself as the lone voice of courage in opposing initiatives to give same-sex couples legal recognition.

In a separate Vatican Radio editorial, the pope's spokesman asked sarcastically why gay marriage proponents don't now push for legal recognition for polygamous couples as well.

The Vatican's anti-gay marriage media blitz came after three U.S. states approved same-sex marriage by popular vote in the election that returned Barack Obama to the U.S. presidency, Spain upheld its gay marriage law, and France pushed ahead with legislation that could see gay marriage legalized early next year.

Amen to praying for the conversion of the USA! But please don't forget China as well.... It is truely the last bastion of superpower Communism which everybody just kind of forgot about after Russia fell. I don't know why, but we in the west (Europe and the USA) haven't really taken China's treat and influence too seriously. I really feel that if we would have when Russia fell, we wouldn't be in this …More
Amen to praying for the conversion of the USA! But please don't forget China as well.... It is truely the last bastion of superpower Communism which everybody just kind of forgot about after Russia fell. I don't know why, but we in the west (Europe and the USA) haven't really taken China's treat and influence too seriously. I really feel that if we would have when Russia fell, we wouldn't be in this mess we are in right now.
Gloria.TV – News Briefs
Catholics use Birth Control, Catholics have abortions, Catholics live together out of wedlock, Catholics divorce, Catholics take Communion without going to Confession ,Some Catholics are Homosexual,
The Church can and should fight for what is right, the problem is that in todays world, the people are picking and choosing what they think is right. Even the nuns.
The Church lets Pelosi and …More

Catholics use Birth Control, Catholics have abortions, Catholics live together out of wedlock, Catholics divorce, Catholics take Communion without going to Confession ,Some Catholics are Homosexual,
The Church can and should fight for what is right, the problem is that in todays world, the people are picking and choosing what they think is right. Even the nuns.

The Church lets Pelosi and Biden and other do what they like and say nothing, and then they expect ordinary people to do as the Church says. People see this and they do as they please the same as Pelosi and Biden. The Church cannot continue to allow its people who are in the limelight to do one thing and expect the lay people to not do the same.

So the people pick and choose.

As a child, we prayed for the conversion of Russia - now we need to pray for the conversion of America!

I prefere a church with strong voice backed by action, not the mealy-mouthed blessings and mumbling from the pope. If you do not want homosexual marriage SAY SO! Loud and clear. Condemn homosexual marriage. God and your followers may actually get behind you and fight for righteousness once again.

Internal homosexuality has weakened the Church’s voice and standing in the world. Here is an opportunity to begin restoring the name “Catholic Church” to once again fight for things good, beautiful, and true like marriage between a man and a woman.

The Church lets Pelosi and Biden and other do what they like and say nothing, and then they expect ordinary people to do as the Church says.

That's why the Catholic Church has lost it's credibility.
The Catholic Church 30 or so years ago should have started excommunicating high profile politicians who held and encouraged views contrary to the dogmatic teaching of the Church.

It's a 2 step process, You send a letter notifying the person his views are in conflict with the Church's- if they persist in those views you excommunicate them. The Church hasn't done that and they have lost credibility with the public.

"Internal homosexuality has weakened the Church’s voice and standing in the world."

Homosexuality in the Church is but a symptom of the heresy of Modernism that has infected the Church.

More than a hundred years ago the Church recognized the dangers of this modernist view and identified it as a heresy. Pope Pius X wisely dubbed Modernism "the synthesis of all heresies”. Today, Modernism remains a corrosive threat to the Church because it appeals to our vanities and masquerades as enlightenment and tolerance.

Modernism is not identifiable as a dogmatic difference with the Church, rather it is a belief that doctrine and dogma are somehow of secondary importance to its fundamental moral teachings. Arising from within the Protestant reformation, it infects the body of the Church with the notion that the highest truths are those that arise from and or appeal to our reason.

Our “Modern” culture is full of the practice and outright evangelization of Modernism. It has often become the state religion. Every hard decision we are faced with has an easier answer if we succumb to Modernism.

We can absolve or diminish every grave and minor sin if we can fabricate a moral construct in which the sinner can remain “a good person”. As a consequence we live in a country in which millions of unborn are killed every year, the institution of the family is being destroyed and our children can expect a standard of living less than ours.

Did they just notice the problem now?

Little bit late there.