Ave Maris Stella. Concentus Gregorianus de Seoul and Schola Gregoriana de Seoul sang Ave Maris Stella at the Catholic Choir Festival held at Myungdong Cathedral on May 25th, 2010. Fr. Choi Ho-Young …More
Ave Maris Stella.

Concentus Gregorianus de Seoul and Schola Gregoriana de Seoul sang Ave Maris Stella at the Catholic Choir Festival held at Myungdong Cathedral on May 25th, 2010. Fr. Choi Ho-Young conducted the scholas. Hopefully, Gregorian chants are sung more often in liturgy than performed at a concert.

Concentus Gregorianus de Seoul is a men's chant schola and Schola Gregoriana de Seoul is a women's chant schola in Seoul Archdiocese.
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