Republicans Divided on Commission Created to Investigate the January 6th Capitol Attack The House is set to vote on legislation to create an independent and bipartisan commission to investigate the …More
Republicans Divided on Commission Created to Investigate the January 6th Capitol Attack

The House is set to vote on legislation to create an independent and bipartisan commission to investigate the January 6th attack on the Capitol. However, Republicans are divided on the issue, some even going against Republican leadership. More than a dozen House Republicans are expected to vote to support creating a January 6th commission, despite objection from their House Leader Kevin McCarthy. Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer is already promising the bill will get a vote on the Senate floor. Minority Leader Mitch McConnell says he doesn't want a commission to interfere with the criminal investigation and arrests currently underway by the Department of Justice and law enforcement agencies. He does not see what a new commission will reveal, since bipartisan investigations are already taking place in congressional committees and the DOJ. House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy is insistent that groups like Black Lives Matter and Antifa be included in the commission's work. But, Democrats say this is about Congressman McCarthy possibly being forced to testify before the commission. GOP Whip Steve Scalise and other Republicans say Speaker Nancy Pelosi is trying to play politics. Capitol Hill Correspondent, Erik Rosales reports. Don't miss out on the latest news and analysis from a Catholic perspective. Get EWTN News Nightly delivered to your email: ewtn.com/tv/shows/ewtn-news-nightly