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Ivan Tomas
America in short(s)?
I wonder why are people like you still using images which are made by the Deepfake?More
America in short(s)?

I wonder why are people like you still using images which are made by the Deepfake?
Tom Morelli
So posting cartoons and things like that won't fly either, I suppose, huh?
Tom Morelli
Lighten up, Ivan. You don't have to be all worked up about things like the graphic I posted. Chill.
Ivan Tomas
You, Tom, should understand that you are dpreading a Deepfake,with that. And that isn't even close to the cartoons. You know that, you're smart guy. Take care.
Tom Morelli
And you, Ivan, still can't see the forest for the trees.. "Deepfske" or "reality" becomes the encompassing issue for you rather than the message in the posted graphic. For that reason I say buh-bye.
chris griffin
I will never say the Pledge of Allegiance again as long as the USA is the home of baby murder, homosexual marriage and legal porn.